We covered in our first Video about how Venus was in Leo at the time of War outbreak / conflict.
Examples of this is both World wars 1 + 2.
911 Afgan conflict 2001.
911 Afgan conflict 2001.
This Year Azerbaijan/Algeria conflict in July and then of course the Hamas Israel conflict in October.
This also confirming that Venus is the "Planet of War".
I then started looking into this theory about a three year warning sign before the world wars.
When Total Solar Eclipse happens with Venus in Taurus.
I took a look at this chart from a youtuber, which he said world war would begin in July or October 2023 as stated above.
As the Israeli Hamas conflict was happening i knew this was not the beginning of world war, not even Seal Two war outbreak. Even Seal One the antichrist being crowned King had not happened yet.
So God asked me, "What is wrong with that chart?"
And its clear that the youtuber had taken his three year warning count from an "Annular Solar Eclipse" in 2020, but not a Total Solar Eclipse.
And its clear that the youtuber had taken his three year warning count from an "Annular Solar Eclipse" in 2020, but not a Total Solar Eclipse.
But still the regional Hamas-Israeli conflict did kick off 3 years after the Annual Eclipse of 2020, and when Venus was in Leo on October 7th.
Proving Venus in Leo war outbreak Law.
but the main point is
and it has been nearly four months since this conflict happened.
Proving Venus in Leo war outbreak Law.
but the main point is
and it has been nearly four months since this conflict happened.
God made me do my own research into these signs in the heavens concerning TOTAL Eclipses only and the position of Venus at them times.
So i went back to the drawing board.
So i went back to the drawing board.
I went through all the TOTAL Eclipses both Solar and Lunar, for the four years before the world wars and the present day too.
I was able to confirm first the Three Year warning of world wars one and two was correct.
Total Solar eclipse with Venus the planet of war in Taurus, then count three years. Then the next time Venus in in Leo that year, is when the war was happening.
I found that the Solar Eclipse of April 2023 that was over Western Australia.
Well when that happened Venus was in Taurus.
So according to This reoccurring, identical signs in the heavens, of World wars one and two, this would suggest that in April 2023, our three year warning for world war 3 (Nuclear) has begun.
That would put us into 2026.
Then, the next time Venus is in Leo, will be from June 28th 2026 through to August 2026
So Amending dudes chart here we get a better picture as for the three year warning for WORLD WAR as we have gone from the TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE with Venus in Taurus.
The only uncertain thing now is this...
Is it talking about the non-nuclear war outbreak of Seal Two, where supernaturally the world main countries start to battle with each other.
Or it talking about when the War goes Nuclear at Trumpet Six.
And, a 200 Million, four country alliance comes from the east, all armed with tanks and truck mounted nuclear weapons, to come and destroy 1/3 of mankind (west)
And, a 200 Million, four country alliance comes from the east, all armed with tanks and truck mounted nuclear weapons, to come and destroy 1/3 of mankind (west)
What is the difference?
Well there is 5 months of difference.
I believe also because he knows the plan of the Evil ones to make Nuke world war happen to exterminate humans down to 0.5 billion, as per their palns.
God is coming down to save the children under the age of Bar Mitzva up to his throne (Nibiru). Also anyone who turns their face to God, and repents of their sins shall also be saved.
Also to Select and seal us 144,000 saints on the foreheads.
We shall go through the Tribulation preaching, until we are "picked up" at the end of the age at the second and last passing of the throne, at the resurrection of us Two witnesses.
After the Throne has passed at Seal 6-7 then the Trumpet judgments start to be unleashed and the first four almost immediately.
Trumpet 1, Earth passes through the fiery, rocky, bloody tail of the throne.
Trumpet 1, Earth passes through the fiery, rocky, bloody tail of the throne.
Seven trumpets.
Then Trumpet 5 last for 5 months... which also the orbit time of Nibiru, the Throne of God.
The ancients documented it took Nibiru 5 months to go past the Earth up round the sun and back past earth again...
The ancients documented it took Nibiru 5 months to go past the Earth up round the sun and back past earth again...
I believe that is when he will return past the earth, close enough, then the Sixth Angel shall sound to warn us of the beginning of Nuke World War.
Personally, i don't believe the seals and the passing of the Throne would happen in July through August time.
I am more inclined to think that the signs leading up to July 2026 is actually pointing at nuke world war 3 - Trumpet 6 here.

I am more inclined to think that the signs leading up to July 2026 is actually pointing at nuke world war 3 - Trumpet 6 here.

Also they just brought out this series where king arthur, which is The Antichrist King Will I AM Arthur...
and they called it "Winter King" well the Antichrist is crowned king at Seal One,
Is this confirmation that the seals will happen in winter?
If we were to assume that the July 26` window is Nuke World War, Trumpet 6.
we can then take away 5 months from that, and we would end up at around our Good friend "Tevet 14th" which usually falls around the Heathens christ-mass and new year.
The Vine of all signs. the centre piece that symmetrically holds up all Eclipse for as long as we will need to know.
Tevet 14th was also Esther, the Virgins Wedding Feast time the the King.
We can then go back from Tevet 14th, 40 days to when i believe the Seals will begin, which would then bring us into end of November, but still winter time right?.
There seemed to be a lot of high awareness happening around Jesus birthday, Feast of Trumpets, last year.
Tishrei 1st-3rd.
Also Feast of Tabernacles on the 14th day.
Then also came the Hamas-Israel conflict, as that Feast of Tents ended.
Tishrei 1st-3rd.
Also Feast of Tabernacles on the 14th day.
Then also came the Hamas-Israel conflict, as that Feast of Tents ended.
Had a revelation that i found the Inheritance event (rev 5) angels in Enoch 60, as he numbers them.
Ten Thousand times Ten Thousand, of Thousands of Thousands..
Enoch told us the exact time of year. The 14th day of the 7th month, which is the Feast of Tabernacles.
Ten Thousand times Ten Thousand, of Thousands of Thousands..
Enoch told us the exact time of year. The 14th day of the 7th month, which is the Feast of Tabernacles.
So in conclusion, we will be able to find out at the beginning of the fall feast of 2025, Feast of Trumpets, if the inheritance event will take place.
End of November we will know if the Seals have begun with the coronation of the Antichrist.
Then we can expect the throne to hit the earth 40 days later on the full moon.... of tevet 14th.
but at the latest this Three Year warning sign, is pointing to July 2026 as being World war 3 (Nuclear)...
Just one sign Justin???
my next video / article i will show you that it there is actually SIX Identical signs from world war 1 that are happening now,
Until 2026 also.
(3 have already passed and come April 8th the fourth will be passed too)
When there is a Total Eclipse then the position of the Venus, The Planet of war.
Cant wait to share that with you.
Keep watch always.
Please share this article with your Family and Friends and Socals.
God Bless you all,
When there is a Total Eclipse then the position of the Venus, The Planet of war.
Cant wait to share that with you.
Keep watch always.
Please share this article with your Family and Friends and Socals.
God Bless you all,
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