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Sunday, 17 March 2024
Wednesday, 6 March 2024
BIG Comet Tsu-ATLAS. Passes between EARTH & SUN. Jesus 7th Birthday. Tail? Wormwood?

The Second of the Great sign in the heavens that is happening in 2024 is during the Fall Feasts of God.
The Second Solar Eclipse of the Year is actually on the New Moon of Tishrei 1.
Which also marks the beginning of the 7th month.
JOIN Event.
which also marks the beginning of Feast of Trumpets.
which is also a Sabbath.
And on the 3.5 Day after the New Moon conjoining with the Sun, this will be Jesus Birthday.
This birth sign was fulfilled on Rosh Hashanah of 2017.
Jesus remains in his Manger in the heavens, if u like until the women on the earth (Israel) brings him forward to God's throne.
I believe by saying and fulfilling an old prophecy Jesus made saying:
"You shall not see me again until you shall say blessed is he that comes in the name of the lord"
This Comet kind of reminds me of Wormwood (Trumpet 3)
I always look at comets and see if their tails are physically possible to effect the earth. Most cases i remember tend to be anti-clockwise orbit and usually they pass way in front or way behind the earth's orbit, but this baby is going to pass right in front of us.
Imagine a massive arctic truck passing and pulling in front of you on the motorway on a very wet rainy day, and you getting sprayed.
Am i saying this is comet wormwood?
Wormwood is one of the trumpets and happens after the Throne of God has passed the Earth at the Sixth and Seventh Seals.
My recent revelation of the Six signs in the heavens points to World war 3 happening in July 2026.
That being Trumpet 6 then the passing of the Throne could happen on Tevet 14th (Jan 3rd 2026) at the earliest.
Now both these Solar Eclipses with Comets all fall on Godly Feasts.
Pons Brooks is on the Biblical New Year and 14 days before Feast of Passover.
Comet Tsu-ATLAS is on Feast of Trumpets / Rosh Hashanah which on the 3.5 day is Jesus actual Birthday.
and the 14th day is the Feast of Tabernacles.
So i believe this Year God wants us to boycott New Year, Easter, Christmas and sunday.
And turn back to the truth True New Year, Trumpets as his Birthday and Saturday as the true Holy day.
This is serious guys, we don't have long left to do the right thing.
Bad thing about christmas is it only comes once a year. so the heathen has little time to repent of it.
If the seals begin in late November 2025 so the passing of the throne can be 40 days later at Tevet 14th (Jan 3rd 2026) then there ain't going to be a good christmas in 2025.
And Market Collapse Seal Three
And North America invaded Seal Four
You expect to have a Merry Merry christmas do you???
"I will turn your feasts into mourning and songs into Lamentations"
Amos 8:10
So i believe these are last chance warning to the world to keep his feasts.
Also all comets are a sign for prophetic events on earth so keep watch. like in the past.
Also all this is happening in Virgo, the virgin women, so watch the women on the Earth, Israel for any prophetic events happening also.
Thanks for watching,
Please share this with everyone for the time is short.
God Bless you all catch u on the next one,
in Jesus precious name.
~ Mosiah
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