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Wednesday, 30 October 2024
Tuesday, 29 October 2024
Israeli parliament votes to ban Unrwa from Israel within 90 days
Israel’s parliament has voted to ban the UN relief and works agency (Unrwa) from the country within 90 days, in defiance of US and other international pressure to maintain the largest provider of humanitarian assistance to the country’s Palestinian population.
In a 92-10 vote late on Monday, the Knesset banned the agency, which operates in Israel according to a 1967 treaty, from conducting “any activity” or providing any service inside Israel, including the areas of annexed East Jerusalem, Gaza and the West Bank.
Israeli lawmakers also voted to declare Unrwa a terror group, effectively banning any direct interaction between the UN agency and the Israeli state.
read from source - https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/oct/28/israeli-lawmakers-pass-bill-that-could-halt-unwra-relief-work-in-gaza
THRONE of David Leaving LONDON b4 the THRONE of GOD, NIBIRU hits the Earth (Seal 6-7). JACOB's Stone

They are worried and taking it this serious so should we.
Problem - Action - Solution/Goal.
If you see any event like an attack on the houses of parliament then just know its a False Flag with the Goal of moving the throne to a safe location.
Jesus will sit on that Throne of David.
The stone has moved about a bit, but i'm led to believe it rests in Scotland in Edinburgh Castle or the New Perth Museum.
Whatever reason they give for moving the throne remember is probably a lie, a false flag event as mentioned before.
Please share this with Family, Friends and Socials.
God Bless you all,
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Events - Feasts 2025. Jesus 8th Birthday. Inheritance Event on Sukkot Feast of Tabernacles. Seven Seals begin.
Sunday, 27 October 2024
"As Above, So Below" WHEN Jesus sits Heavenly Throne (Rev 5) THEN Antichrist sits Earthly Throne (Rev 6)

Since the Revelation birth sign was complete on Rosh Hashanah 2017, Jesus has been in a manger in the heavens just like his First coming.
"Blessed is he who comes in the name of lord"
or them speaking in Hebrew tongue
then the inheritance event will be complete.
We should hear that if we are awake and not asleep (spiritually).
WHEN Jesus sits on the heavenly throne at God's right hand and takes the scroll with Seven Seals....
THEN the next Event is Seal One and the False Christ will be crowned and take his Seat on the Earthly Throne of King David in London.
by my timeline 62 weeks until the throne hits so roughly 50 weeks from now until all these events begin.
God Bless you all in Jesus precious Name and Blood,