Wednesday, 26 December 2018

2,000-year-old Ring Found in Pilgrim's Road to Temple Mount

Ring seems to have been found in ritual bath, either slipped off somebody's finger or was forgotten, archaeologists excavating the City of David suggest

It's annoying to lose your precious baubles in a public pool and probably was just as irksome 2,000 years ago too, when a ring seems to have slipped off the finger of an unwary bather in a mikveh. Or maybe it was taken off for the purposes of the ritual purifying bath, and was forgotten there.

It was announced Sunday that the corroded ring, with a blueish stone, was found by Israel Antiquities Authority archaeologists who were digging along the stone-paved stepped street, aka the pilgrim's road. By the standards of today's hands, the ring would probably have fit the average pinkie.

The corroded artifact was found in what seems to be the remains of a mikveh, said the archaeologists Nachshon Zenton, Moran Hajabi, Ari Levy and Dr. Joe Uziel. Ancient Jerusalem sported hundreds of ritual baths, not only for locals but to serve pilgrims en route to the Temple.

2,000-year-old Ring Found in Pilgrim's Road to Temple Mount

Ring seems to have been found in ritual bath, either slipped off somebody's finger or was forgotten, archaeologists excavating the City of David suggest

It's annoying to lose your precious baubles in a public pool and probably was just as irksome 2,000 years ago too, when a ring seems to have slipped off the finger of an unwary bather in a mikveh. Or maybe it was taken off for the purposes of the ritual purifying bath, and was forgotten there.

It was announced Sunday that the corroded ring, with a blueish stone, was found by Israel Antiquities Authority archaeologists who were digging along the stone-paved stepped street, aka the pilgrim's road. By the standards of today's hands, the ring would probably have fit the average pinkie.

The corroded artifact was found in what seems to be the remains of a mikveh, said the archaeologists Nachshon Zenton, Moran Hajabi, Ari Levy and Dr. Joe Uziel. Ancient Jerusalem sported hundreds of ritual baths, not only for locals but to serve pilgrims en route to the Temple.

Thursday, 20 December 2018


The big "Red Alert" Earthquake in Russia district was so big it sent shock waves through the seas / seabed. This has cause 5 sea Buoys in the North Pacific to trigger into Alarm mode. 


The big "Red Alert" Earthquake in Russia district was so big it sent shock waves through the seas / seabed. This has cause 5 sea Buoys in the North Pacific to trigger into Alarm mode. 

VIDEO: Mount Etna eruption sends lava spewing and huge column of gas into night sky

The volcano in Sicily erupted in the early hours of Wednesday when its Southeast, Bocca Nuova and Cratere di Nordest craters began to boil over

Mount Etna has erupted sending a huge column of gas into the night sky.

The volcano, in Sicily, was pictured spewing lava in the small hours of Wednesday.

Mesmerising images show molten rock trickling down the slopes of the mountain - western Europe's highest active volcano.

Explosive activity continues at the eastern vent of the Southeast Crater.

The nearby craters of the Bocca Nuova and Cratere di Nordest are also active, according to Reuters news agency.

This eruption seems to be small but there have been dangerous blasts in recent years - in March 2017 ten people were injured including a BBC camera crew when spewing lava exploded on impact with snow.