Friday, 19 April 2019

April 19th-May Day. 13 Day Satanic Feast of the Beast Baal. Bloodshed, Attacks.

April 19th is the first day of the 13 Day Satanic ritual Day relating to fire. the fire False god, Baal, Or Molech / Nimrod (The sun false god), Also known as the Roman false god Saturn (Saturn/Devil). This day is a major Human sacrifice day, demanding fire sacrifice with an emphasis on children. This day is one of the most important Human sacrifice days, and as such, has had some very important historic events occur on this day.

So Dont be suprised if u see events happening with many people dying between these dates.

This was the same time of the whole year that the prophets of Baal (The Western, Roman Empire) erected replicas of the Arch of the Temple of Baal.

If you dont think these feast days are real and recognised? They certainly do...!!!

God Bless you all and Happy Sabbath and Happy Passover.

In Yahshua HaMashiach, 

Al Masih Isa,

In Messiah Jesus name


April 19th-May Day. 13 Day Satanic Feast of the Beast Baal. Bloodshed, Attacks.

April 19th is the first day of the 13 Day Satanic ritual Day relating to fire. the fire False god, Baal, Or Molech / Nimrod (The sun false god), Also known as the Roman false god Saturn (Saturn/Devil). This day is a major Human sacrifice day, demanding fire sacrifice with an emphasis on children. This day is one of the most important Human sacrifice days, and as such, has had some very important historic events occur on this day.

So Dont be suprised if u see events happening with many people dying between these dates.

This was the same time of the whole year that the prophets of Baal (The Western, Roman Empire) erected replicas of the Arch of the Temple of Baal.

If you dont think these feast days are real and recognised? They certainly do...!!!

God Bless you all and Happy Sabbath and Happy Passover.
In Yahshua HaMashiach, 
Al Masih Isa,
In Messiah Jesus name

Thursday, 18 April 2019

'Piranhas' found in Doncaster (United Kingdom) fishing lake

Tests are being carried out on two suspected piranhas found dead in a Yorkshire fishing lake.

The razor-toothed fish were found by local anglers at Martinwells Lake at Edlington, near Doncaster, a popular walking and fishing spot.

Experts said it was virtually impossible for piranhas to survive in cold English open water.

Doncaster Council, which owns the lake, said the fish may have been pets that had been dumped in the water.

A spokesman for the authority said the dead fish have been taken for examination.

Lisa Holmes, from Doncaster, who was at the lake - known locally as the Brick Pond - with partner Davey White, said she was shocked to find the fearsome predator on Sunday.

"My partner is a fisherman and was looking around the edge of the lake when he suddenly spotted this fish floating near one of the pegs [fishing platform]," she said.

"But then we started looking at it more closely and saw the teeth we realised it was a piranha."