Which is easiest to present?
Both timelines can begin and end with the same two events but in a totally different order in the Book of revelation.
Rev 1,2 & 3 - The things that were said and done at the Time of Revelation
Rev 4 - Event that are be "here after" Revelation was written, Ie Our time. The End of the age.
Timeline One
Rev 5 - The Manchild is caught upto Gods throne .
Rev 6 - The Seven Seals happen (seals 1-6).
Rev 7 - The 144,000 Tribulation saints are chosen & The First Rapture happens, a Great multitude of living people are caught upto Gods throne.
Rev 8 - Seal Seven is complete. The Throne of God locks off Earth and the Seven Trumpets begin, (trumps 1-4).
Rev 9 - Trumpets 5-6.
Rev 10 - Trumpet 7, is delayed until the end.
Rev 11 - The Temple is built, The Two Witnesses prophecy for the last 3.5 Years. The Second passing of the throne happens, the seventh angel sounds which is the great harvest. The throne lock off earth and there Thunders & Lightnings & Voices & A GREAT Earthquake... & GREAT HAIL.
Rev 12 - Sign in the Heaven (already started, Rosh Hashanah 2017). The Manchild Is caught upto Gods throne. Satan is cast down to earth and persecuted Israel (women that give birth to the manchild). Satan then goes to war with the women and Israel will flee from Judea, and hide in the wilderness for the Last 3.5 Years
Rev 13 - The Last 3.5 Years. The Antichrist and False prophet have their kingdom.
Rev 14 - The 144,000 are caught up to Gods Throne, The Great harvest happens. The Dead caught up by Christ, and the still Alive caught up by the Angel.
Rev 15 - Seven angels have bowls, Gods throne is open and filled with smoke.
Rev 16 - The Seven Angels pore out the Seven Bowls on the Earth. The Second passing of the Throne happens. Thunders & Lightnings & Voices & GREAT EARTHQUAKE...& GREAT HAIL.
Then Timelines are aligned and completed to the same point.
Rev 17 - Babylon the Great whore Rome is exposed, the The Beast Antichrist Government that stood for he.
Rev 18 - Babylon the Great whore is destroyed.
Rev 19 - Battle at Armageddon. The Antichrist and False Prophet are thrown in the Lake of Fire.
Rev 20 - the Thousand year reign of Christ on this Earth. Satan is released but destroyed by Fire from heaven. Satan is cast into the Lake of Fire to join the Antichrist and False Prophet. This Earth is No more and New Earth replaces it. All the dead are sent to Gods throne for the Great White Throne Judgement.
Rev 21 & 22 - Eternal Life with God. The End.
Thanks for Studying please let me know which method would be best.
1. Using revelation chapters as they fall?
Then i would be making Two Timelines and matching the Chapter.
2. Forgetting chapters and just throwing in the events as they happen regardless of which of the Two timelines.
God Bless you all for Looking.
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Pastor Prophet Justin.
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