A few others also have lost their faith on Jesus is coming soon, even Nibiru believerloosing faith and giving up their ministries as such..
They maybe feeling guilty also for "Maybe" being wrong about the things they have preached, but they need not. The person that puts in the work is going to make more mistakes than the worthless shepherds that are doing nothing.
Matthew 13:11-12 “The knowledge of the mysteries of the kingdom of heavenhas been given to you, but not to them.
Whoever has will be given more, and he will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him.
Quite unbelievable to me.
This must mean the man of lawlessness the son of perdition is real close.
2 Thess 2:3-4and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped;
Anyone that has following me long time time knows anyway, that one of the next big events to happen is that the Antichrist (King William) will come and take the Throne of David. This is Seal One.
Seal One- The Antichrist is crownedasKingand released.
And in the last 3.5 Years the Antichrist spirt shall dwell in the "Temple of God" which has double meanings.
Not just the bricks and mortar Temple on the Temple mount in Israel but the Clone Body of Jesus Christ.
2 Thess 2:3-4and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.
Prayer for these ministries and watch when they see Seal One happen and the King crowned watch all my Saints pick up the cross and preach for the Throne of God will be closing in on Earth.
Prayer for them,
Thanks for watching,
God Bless you all,
Pastor Prophet Justin Roberts
Earthquakes Have just hit a big Spike and calmed down in the last Few days;
Earthquakes and Volcanoes are the Primary Birth Pains of the throne of God hitting Earth.
Of course we have to wait for the Seven Seals to happen, even begin before the Throne hits at the Sixth Seal.
Trumpet Six – Four country alliance, 200 million man army, Nuclear Holocaust of a 1/3 of Humanity. 13 months. Russia, China, North Korea & Iran.
So keep watch.
Prayer God forgives you of your sins and your wins shall be washed away in the Blood of the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ.
God Bless you all,
Pastor Prophet Justin.
HAND of GOD... STILLS the U.K. STORMS for at least the NEXT TWO WEEKS.
After a month of unsettle weather what seems liek the Hand of God will come over the UK.
The Jet stream seems go hey wire. and actually goes backwards in a week or so and instead of blowing east to west. blows west to east back across to the US, :-/
27th November - 40 Days until January Moon & Advent.
5th December - FB Ban over haha
7th December - 30 days to January Moon
8th December - FULL MOON
12th December - 2300 days until Passover 2029. Dirty temple beginning? Two Witnesses killed.
OR (45 days later)
26th January 2023 - 2300 days until Passover +45 Days = Armageddon. Dirty Temple prophecy?
18th December - Hanukkah Feast starting. Temple took back from Antiochus.
December 18th - My Star VESTA in the middle of Aquarius constellation.
December 18th - 120 Day Tag of the Beast system loosed from me.
December 19th - Sun enters Sagittarius, symbol of the Antichrist.
December 21st - 9th Hebrew Month, 27th Day of that month. Seven year agreement of Daniel 9:27?
December 25th - Hanukkah finishes
December 27th - 40 days until February Moon
6th January - FULL MOON
26th January 2023 - 2300 days until Passover +45 Days = Armageddon. Dirty Temple prophecy?
31st January - My Star Vesta leaves AQUA constellation.
5th February - FULL MOON.
Thanks for watching God bless.
If we assume that the Two witnesses will be killed in Jerusalem, rise from the dead and ascend in a cloud on Passover like Jesus did, we can take passover 2029 as a reference point.
Also my star Vesta makes a loop around Sagittarius constellation on Passover+45 days in 2029.
But the Throne does not return until the very end of the age.
After the Two Witnesses have came for 3.5 years, between Trumpets 6 & 7. and when the Two Witnesses get to the throne the seventh angel sounds... and the Seven Bowls of the Wrath of God are poured out on the Earth.https://endoftheagebibleprophecy.blogspot.com/2020/03/seventh-angel-sounding-second.html