In 2024 we have a great conjunction of signs.
We have Two Comets coming in, the same time as Two Solar Eclipses happening, on Two of the major Feasts times of God.
"I love that, because i hate being so close to easter each year and trying to tell people that are following the fake babylonian christianity how false and ungodly it is, least this year we will not be even close to each other"
The True Passover feast is one month later
Also the "A" Letter, can stand for Aleph or Alpha.
This meaning beginning.
I believe this event will be the beginning of distresses.
Not just for america but for the world over the next 1.5 years
An it will be like a cold pan of water and the stove has been just turned on.
The water will start to boil very slowly at first.
Greatest magnitude - 22nd March 4.42.
Closest Approach to Earth - 2nd June (distance 1.55 AU)
Seventh Month of the True Biblical Year (New Moon)
Tishrei 1st.
Closest Approach to the Sun - 28th September.
Greatest magnitude - 5th October 0.36.
Tishrei 14th
October 16th
God has given us every possible sign to indicate when his New Year is and the Feast of Passover, and also Jesus true birthday and the feast of Tabernacles.
Well this quashes any doubt in a partial sane person with some touch on reality.
We have only 1.5-1.75 years from now, to get this right, according to my world war identical signs in the heavens revelation.
TOTAL Solar Eclipse + VENUS in TAURUS... 2023-26