Every wondered, when them 144,000 Saints get chosen by God and elected and sealed on the forehead that they may feel it any way?
i have.
I started to think it might be a physical thing. like a little bump on the forehead as the "star of david" gets stamped on our heads. (I already have mine)
But, after Three Angelic encounters, One with Holy Angels in 2016 and Two with Satan / Metatron in 2020 and just now starting at the Day of Atonement this Year, i can have come to a different conclusion.
This conclusion comes from them experiences, and i learnt that you can not see these angels or even get a pic of them haha (i tried in 2020).
but u can hear these angels as a whirlwind type sound and can feel their touch against you through your nerve system. also hot and cold feeling.
Then God reminded me of a time just few years becoming born again.
the same time i had my burning bush near death scary but amazing experience.
also around that time as i was fishing on the river / estuary called Conwy, i was fishing at low water at the bottom of the lifeboat slip way towards the bridge.
I heard a whistling wind which is not uncommon under the bridge. But the bridge was still around 200 yard away from me.
I then heard this wind as a whirlwind directly in front of me on the water. i focussed on it. it, He started to move closer and the wind got bigger and stronger and louder.
the Angels whirlwind then touch my face and the pure force of the wind touching my senses i had to shut my eyes and turn my face away as a reaction.
The whirlwind then moved away and across the water again.
This is how i believe the angels will seal the 144,000 on the forehead. With this breath of God, kiss of an Angel, what ever u want to call it. so bad that they too will turn their faces away.
This was also the place where i saw a ball of light like an angel, wrapped in a cloud on the oppositeside of the water. He was hovering over the Vadre mountain in Deganwy which i believe to be volcanic, almost like he was ready to cross like what happened just before my Father Moses crossed the Red sea.
Also that bridge once God said go down to the beach side and take a pic of u looking up in the air and worshipping me. and use it as your ministry profile pic so i did.
Remembering this was all before i became a born againchristian in New Year March 2013.
2011-2012 was time of great energy, earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanoesdowning planes. and when i had the supernatural burning bush experience there was a storm raging from the south west so bad that the sea was rippling the wrong way. it should of been right to left where i was fishing but the ripples were coming straight at me from the south.
Us 144,000 are also mentioned in the trumpet judgments that follow. as the locusts of Trumpet 5 when the bottomless pit is opened, yellowstonesuper volcano.
them locusts only hurt the people that are not us 144000... and i believe they won't hurt the people that are encamped with the 144,000.
So if u are Jewish bloodline, many won't know since we were exiled to many countries 2000 years ago even longer.especially across the west. and you also believe in Jesus Christ and in your heart u dont want to escape but want to serve God even in the tribulation to bring in Jesus reign on the earth... you are also one of the 144000.
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Indonesia’s National Disaster Management Agency said Monday that at least 10 people have died as a series of volcanic eruptions widens on the remote island of Flores.
The eruption at Mount Lewotobi Laki Laki around midnight spewed thick brownish ash as high as 2,000 meters (6,500 feet) into the air and hot ashes hit several villages, burning down houses including a convent of Catholic nuns, said Firman Yosef, an official at the Mount Lewotobi Laki Laki monitoring post.
He said volcanic material was thrown up to 6 kilometers (3.7 miles) from its crater, blanketing nearby villages and towns with tons of volcanic debris and forcing residents to flee.
Rescuers were still searching for more bodies buried under collapsed houses, said Abdul Muhari, the National Disaster Management Agency’s spokesperson. Muhari said all the bodies, including a child, were found with a 4-kilometer (2.4 mile) radius of the crater
Lawmakers also voted to declare UN relief agency a terror group, banning any direct interaction with Israeli state
Israel’s parliament has voted to ban the UN relief and works agency (Unrwa) from the country within 90 days, in defiance of US and other international pressure to maintain the largest provider of humanitarian assistance to the country’s Palestinian population.
In a 92-10 vote late on Monday, the Knesset banned the agency, which operates in Israel according to a 1967 treaty, from conducting “any activity” or providing any service inside Israel, including the areas of annexed East Jerusalem, Gaza and the West Bank.
Israeli lawmakers also voted to declare Unrwa a terror group, effectively banning any direct interaction between the UN agency and the Israeli state.
But i want make a new Video / Post because i havesome information to add.
I have always believed that the Throne that sits in the house of Lords is the Throne of David.
On it you have the Harps of David and the Lions of Judah.
There is also evidence in written history that Throne came from Israel to Ireland just before the exile to Babylon.
The Same History brings it then to Scootland and then to England.
Just like the prophecy Ezekiel made saying it would be overthrownThree times and remain until he who has the right it is (Jesus Christ) it is to sit on it and i will give it to him.
Ezekiel 21:27
I will overturn, overturn, overturn, it: and it shall be no more, until he come whose right it is; and I will give it him.
Jesus never had any kids and so the heirshipstops at him since he is not Dead.
but the royals have made it their business to make people believe, even though the da vinci code story and Holy Grail story that somehow the British Empire royal Family are direct descendants of David.
This Throne sits in the House of Lords in London right next to the Thames river, also has the big clock tower AKA Big Ben.
During the first passing of the Throne i have been lead to believe that the tectonic plate that the UK sits on would drop anywhere from 20-40 metres below sea level.
this would absolutely put London underneath the sea.
so common sense would tell me they would have to remove the throne from this extremely low lying area.
I can't see them leaving the throne there and then sendingdivers to try and retrieve it after.
They know when the Throne of God Nibiru will hit, they have been watching it forever.
There is also another Throne, the Coronation Throne which you see Charles receive the crown on just recently.
This, i have been led to believe is sited in Westminster abbey in London, also not very high above sea level.(Right on the Thames River also
and if u think this is blowing things up to extreme just know, the government will be running to hide in IN-ROCKUnderGround Cities in the US which are Thousands of feet above sea level. They are worried and taking it this serious so should we.
At the end of the age when Jesus comes down at Armageddon (Jan 2033) and defeats Satan the antichrist the false prophet and everyone that stands with them, then Jesus will rule the world from Israel, for 1000 Years. Jesus will sit on that Throne of David.
31 And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name Jesus.
32 He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David:
33 And he shall reign over the house of Jacobfor ever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end.
When Jesus came for his First coming though, he could not have sat as King of Israel and of the Jews. Why?
Because the Throne was not in Israel it was in the BritishIsles.
After it got taken away after the kings of Israel had come to an end, and before the exile to Babylon.
So expect these thrones to be transplanted to Israel in these last days.
They also claim to have stone that Jacob lay his head on and received his dream.
Its also as the "stone of destiny" or the "stone of scone". The stone has moved about a bit, but i'm led to believe it rests in Scotland in Edinburgh Castle or the New Perth Museum.
They say it is placed under the coronation throne during the coronation, and yes it was.
Where could they put the throne?
They good legally translated The Throne to any of the countries they OWN.
Another possibility is that they could move it to Balmoral Castle. Balmoral Castle is much higher elevation of 282 metres above sea level in Scotland.
When you do see the Throne moving then take this as another confirmation that the Throne of God Nibiru is near.
They do need a throne for the coronation of William at Seal One so this could be a last minute thing.