As the Sun sets earlier and earlier over United Kingdom, i finish work and hurry home to Eat, wash and cleanse myself and prepere for the LORDS Day the Sab-ath-day Sat-ur-day..
Us as true Christian still keep this day Holy as God and Jesus Christ is Holy.
Yes we are Jewish by blood but Chrostian by belief.. this is why when people ask my religion the only closest religion is Judeo-Christian.
I lighting of the 7 candles at the beginning of the Sabbath Day is a Great way to start and "remember the Sabbath Day" as God Commanded.
Also 7 lampstand represents the seven spirits of God.
Revelation 4:5
And out of the throne proceeded lightnings and thunderings and voices: and there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God.

For the Sabbath Day has been forsaken by them. The Romans who are not at any part of their religion following God or Christ. Its a Babylonian empire full of Ungodliness and now Abominations in their nations.. Destrestruction will be their end.

The True Saints Keep the Commandments of God and testify to Jesus Christ.
This is the basis and the foundation to my understanding of Judeo-Christian faith.
Both in God and Jesus as one.
If you would like to know about scriptures of the Sabbath Day please click this link..
Its so great to study the word of God then you come into a completion of mind that GOD doesnt change..
Happy Sabbath to you and your Family.

Love from me Pastor Justin Roberts and my Family (My Mother)
God Bless you all, Please share this Article...

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