Jupiter the King Planet will cross the "Golden Gate" Constellation Ophiuchus in later part of October.
This Planetary Software shows Jupiter crossing the Constellation lines on October 21st.
This Planetary Software shows Jupiter crossing the Constellation line on October 23rd.
In Stellerium Planetary Software, Jupiter crosses the Golden Gate constellation (Ophiuchus) around the 31 October.
So watch period is very Large from 20th October to the 1st November.
Watching Israel also for Israel is the Women spoken of in Revelation 12 on Earth, Not just a sign in the Heaven. As the scripture says "When the Dragon is cast down to earth he persecuted the women that brought forward the Man child"

So also keep watch for something the women will do that will help in bring forward the Man child, The Second coming of Christ.
In 2018 during the time i was Homeless i Blitzed my ministry prophecy Videos mostly every day, preparing for the time of revival when people will seek the truth of whats taken place on Earth. I felt filled with the spirit and was so focused.
Here is the amazing thing is that this was the time in which "My Star Vesta" was making a loop through the Golden Gate.
I had reported on this revelation in March 2018, but by the time July came around had forgotten about the star coming round the Golden Gate. Being homeless also i had other worries on my mind.
It was not until the next year around March looking back in my Video Ministry did i realise the exact time that My Star Vesta was passing around the Golden Gate was the Exact same time i smashed out my Video Ministry.
So in my mind there is no doubt this is not just a coincidence.
So in my mind there is no doubt this is not just a coincidence.
So as Jupiter "The King" comes back to pass through the Golden gate of the Heaven for the last time for approx 12 years, please Keep watch and listening out around these times 20th October to the 1st November.
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