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Tuesday, 30 May 2023
Thursday, 18 May 2023
"The VINE" Centre Stem, becomes The BLOOD MOONS its been holding up. DECEMBER 2029 / TEVET 14TH
Monday, 15 May 2023
Additional MAY BLOOD MOON - WW2 1939 / WW3 2023 Signs in Heavens.
Sunday, 14 May 2023
EYES ON ISRAEL ALWAYS:- Israel-Gaza: Shaky start to ceasefire ending five days of fighting
There are hopes a ceasefire will take hold to end five days of fighting between Israel and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) militants in Gaza.
It got off to a shaky start, as both sides kept firing for two hours after the truce started on Saturday evening.
At least 33 Palestinians have been killed since Tuesday in Gaza, where Israel says it has struck PIJ targets.
Palestinian rocket fire into Israel has killed two people, one Israeli and one Palestinian working in the country.
The mediation efforts were led by Egypt, which urged both sides to adhere to the ceasefire agreement.
Washington welcomed the announcement of the ceasefire, and said US officials had worked with regional partners to achieve the resolution.
Barrages of Palestinian rockets set off warning sirens in southern Israel, close to Gaza, and the suburbs of the city of Tel Aviv just before the truce was due to come into effect at 22:00 local time (19:00 GMT) on Saturday.
Minutes after it supposedly started, militants launched more rockets at southern Israeli communities and the Israeli military carried out air strikes on what it said were two PIJ rocket launchers in Gaza.
Further rocket fire at around 23:00 drew another round of air strikes.
Saturday, 13 May 2023
ECLIPSE Cycle. WW3 Begin SEPTEMBER MARKET COLLAPSE Elul 23rd. Seals 2&3. UN Meet, Sukkot, 2300 days.
And how these signs in the Heavens are repeating perfectly for us right now, at a time where we are expecting them.
So will this be the same for us in September 2nd 2023?
OH My they match perfectly,
we can tell this straight away by seeing that the Feast of Passover which is on a Full Moon (14th Day of Abib/Nissan) fell on the exact same time as it did this Year around the 5th of April on the Roman Calendar.

Elul 23rd. This the Date that the Markets Usually crash.
Last Year it fell on the Queens Funeral.

This is to pave the way for the building of God`s Temple, AKA Jewish Temple, Third Temple.
And the centre of all this is the hebrew months TEVET`s Full Moon.
As Jesus will Ascended 45 Days after the Day of the execution. So in like manner will Jesus Descend 45 Days after the Execution of Two Prophets of God (At Christmas BLOOD MOON).
The only destruction comes when the Throne of God, Nibiru hits the Earth at the Sixth Seal.
But Salvation of a Great Multitude comes with it and God will choose his 144,000 End of the Age Saints.
When we dwell in Tents for 7 Days, in remembrance of when we dwelled in Tents after God brought us out of Egypt with a mighty hand.

Here is the Ironic thing, and Assuming Feast of Sukkot is the passing of the Throne Seal Six.
If you didn't even realise the first 5 Seals had happened and that the next event would be God hitting the Earth at Seal Six... and you just went off into the Mountains to keep the Feast, you would physically survive the passing of the Throne. Because there is going to be great destruction as the effects of the Throne passing.
So we had the ecplies being the same this year as in 1939 when world war started.
this suggests world war 3 would outbreak September 2nd is, which is seal 2.
The Full Blue moon is on August 31st.
a watch period for dirty temple 2300 days until December Tevet 14th Blood moon of 2029.
Seal 3 Market collapse usually happens on Elul 23rd which is one week after proposed war start, 9th September.
Seals happening?
UN will meet at the end of the month saying peace and safety, if they make an agreement for seven year, then sudden destruction comes, 2 days later they may still be in Geneva mountains no less, the throne of God hits at Full Moon September 29th...
October 18th also possible dirty temple as its 2300 days until 2029 December Tevet Blood Moon + 45 days = Armageddon.
Thanks for watching.
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God Bless you all in Jesus mighty name.
~ "Just and True"