Saturday 13 May 2023

ECLIPSE Cycle. WW3 Begin SEPTEMBER MARKET COLLAPSE Elul 23rd. Seals 2&3. UN Meet, Sukkot, 2300 days.

I came across a youtube Video in which this person was showing the similarities between the Signs in the Heavens during the build up to Word War 2 and the present day.

Noticeably these are the Eclipses that came before and interestingly the dates the fell on.
And how these signs in the Heavens are repeating perfectly for us right now, at a time where we are expecting them.

First there was a Total Lunar Eclipse (BLOOD MOON) on November 7th 1938.

Now it repeating for us in November 8th 2022.

The next Sign in the cycle is 5.5 Months (hebrew months) later when a Total Solar Eclipse happened on April 19th 1939.

We had a Total Solar Hybrid Eclipse on April 20th 2023.

The Next Event in this cycle is in 1939 is 4.5 Months (hebrew) later on a Full Moon World War 2 began on September 1st 1939...

So will this be the same for us in September 2nd 2023?

I Also checked the Hebrew Calendar against the Roman calendar because these dates are matching perfectly on the Roman calendar but what about on the Hebrew Calendar of God.

OH My they match perfectly,

we can tell this straight away by seeing that the Feast of Passover which is on a Full Moon (14th Day of Abib/Nissan) fell on the exact same time as it did this Year around the 5th of April on the Roman Calendar.

The War Outbreak that would be referred to is Seal Two when War outbreaks from Israel.

But for War to start in September 2nd ish, then Seal One, The Cloned Antichrist HAS TO come first. King William V has to come and be crowned King First.

This War Outbreak prediction is also on/the Full Moon.

And we also some other events happening in September that make me believe more in this time for these main events to begin.

Elul 23rd. This the Date that the Markets Usually crash.
Last Year it fell on the Queens Funeral.

Every Seven Year cycle the Stock Market Money Market seems to crash so we can go on 2001, 2008, 2015, 2022.

But the Market collapse didn't happen on the Queens Funeral last year, some say because we are in a Jubilee Year. (50 year cycle) but the fact is that the Seven Seals haven't happened yet.

Indicating that this could be the time where these Seven Seals happen.

When Seal Two (War outbreak) and Seal Three (Market Collapse) has happened then the Dome of the Rock shall be destroyed off the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

This is to pave the way for the building of God`s Temple, AKA Jewish Temple, Third Temple.

which brings us on to ANOTHER entry in the Calendar that i was already there, around this time.

I have put marker points in the possible beginning of the 2300 Days of a Dirty Temple mount in God`s Eyes. This is the longest Day Prophecy of all, so for 6 Years and approx 3.5 months the Temple mount will be dirty in God`s eyes.

So i have put Two watch markers in.

On September 3rd marks there is 2300 days until December Full Moon 2029.

I believe this is possibly the Time the Two Witnesses will be Killed and the Second Passing of God`s Throne Nibiru will happen on the That Full Moon, As they are killed and the people "Make Merry and Gives Gifts one to another" which make me seriously believe the Two Witnesses are killed just before Christmas.

On December 20th 2029, just before Christmas, while people still have gifts to give to each other there is the most special Total Lunar BLOOD MOON Eclipse in the Last 30 Years...

We have realised through study only recently that all the Eclipses hang on a symmetrical pattern.
And the centre of all this is the hebrew months TEVET`s Full Moon.

Going back and forward a equal number of days from Tevet 14th 5761 (January 5th 2015) you will come to a BLOOD MOON.

The Second Marker is 45 Days later. 

As Jesus will Ascended 45 Days after the Day of the execution. So in like manner will Jesus Descend 45 Days after the Execution of Two Prophets of God (At Christmas BLOOD MOON).

This marker is on October 18th. 2300 Days until December BLOOD MOON + 45 Days.

Another Calendar entry i have made is the possible fulfillment of the Daniel 9:27 Agreement. 

A Seven Year agreement with many nations to bring peace and safety.

But the scripture says that when they are saying "Peace and Safety" SUDDEN destruction comes upon them.

The only destruction comes when the Throne of God, Nibiru hits the Earth at the Sixth Seal.
But Salvation of a Great Multitude comes with it and God will choose his 144,000 End of the Age Saints. 

And it turns on September 21st is actually has been made International Peace day, which i didn't know until today.

Then on 29th of September God's "Feast of Tabernacles" begins.

When we dwell in Tents for 7 Days, in remembrance of when we dwelled in Tents after God brought us out of Egypt with a mighty hand.


You should realise by now, or by looking at the Image of the Sixth and Seventh Seals image above that God's Throne, Nibiru will hit the Earth on a Full Moon and Flip the Earth UPSIDE Down at Noon time in Israel...

Here is the Ironic thing, and Assuming Feast of Sukkot is the passing of the Throne Seal Six.
If you didn't even realise the first 5 Seals had happened and that the next event would be God hitting the Earth at Seal Six... and you just went off into the Mountains to keep the Feast, you would physically survive the passing of the Throne. Because there is going to be great destruction as the effects of the Throne passing.

SAINTS “Flee to the MOUNTAINS, before SEAL 6 THRONE of GOD (Nibiru) passes over”.

Anyway that is all i have to Say.
So we had the ecplies being the same this year as in 1939 when world war started.
this suggests world war 3 would outbreak September 2nd is, which is seal 2.
The Full Blue moon is on August 31st.
a watch period for dirty temple 2300 days until December Tevet 14th Blood moon of 2029.
Seal 3 Market collapse usually happens on Elul 23rd which is one week after proposed war start, 9th September.
Seals happening?
UN will meet at the end of the month saying peace and safety, if they make an agreement for seven year, then sudden destruction comes, 2 days later they may still be in Geneva mountains no less, the throne of God hits at Full Moon September 29th...

October 18th also possible dirty temple as its 2300 days until 2029 December Tevet Blood Moon + 45 days = Armageddon.

Thanks for watching.
Please share with your friends and Family.

God Bless you all in Jesus mighty name.

~ "Just and True"

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