Thursday 13 July 2023

"CERES" Star of ELIJAH, "JASON Egroff" - VIRGIN BIRTH Again! - 27th Sept 2023...

in 2014 AFTER learning the Revelation of the Sign in the Heavens,

The Women (Virgin/Virgo) giving birth to the manchild (Jupiter), Messiah Jesus Second coming, i saw something else. I learnt that Rev 12 sign from someone else, Scott something cant remember his full youtube name.

In 2014 I was looking at Virgo in the present time and saw Two Stars coming through. and they both made a loop around together in Virgo. and i watched them come down and cross the constellation to go out of (Birthed from) the Virgin in the Heavens. The Next bit made me nearly puke and pass out. I watched the First star "VESTA" come through and birth from Virgo.

The very date Vesta was birthed from Virgo was my Earthly Birthday August 11th. I was amazed.

Then i watched "Ceres" star come down and birthed from the virgin on the 19th of August.

2014 - Vesta birth from the virgin virgo.. on my birthday. 11th august and Ceres on 19th August
The spirit then led me to a brother on Facebook to look at his profile. He used to share about end times and had ministry online (Revelation News) and he was very active.

His Name is Jason Egroff.
I look in his profile and guess his birthday?

Yep, August 19th 1984 SAME YEAR AND MONTH AS ME TOO!!!
Some Women, Eve came and cause strife between us and we broke communications just like these Two Stars split up and went there separate ways.
As my ministry has held the line and i would like to think got stronger, his sadly did not. his channels got taken down, he came under persecution and basically gave up.
As u will hear in the video he actually totally gave up 5 years ago. Then on the 9th July i look to see where the Ceres star is at

(i know where Vesta is at and be coming to make a loop in Gemini in November).

Turns out its back in Virgo exactly as we started. followed the star down to the birthing line again and this star be crossing out Virgo on the 27th of September.

Another event to add to September not that we needed anymore.

In fact that is the same day UN are meeting saying
"peace and safety climate change"
and i was saying about looking for the 7 year agreement with many.

Then for sudden destruction to come as the Throne of God Nibiru hits earth at the sixth Seal. - Seven seals Full Article.
Prophetic Events IN and Around September I also looked at his "wife" Facebook and he has b a video, first in a long time of his own admission.
His wife is sick so he was just giving the world an update on her condition.
The Hebrew name Jason means "The Healer" and the candlestick, spirit of God that he gave to Elijah, one of them powers was to Heal, the sick the dead, he raised the dead boy to life. So im praying that maybe this will mark a time where Jason Egroff will come back to his commision by God to preach in the End of the Age. He is genuinely nice man. If there was a "good cop bad cop "to the Two Witnesses he would defo be Good cop as he is gentle heart. The other part of the duo (Vesta), like unto Moses is ruthless, a harsh rebuker, a condemnation warner, a Law Keeper but still preaching the Salvation through repentance and the blood of Jesus Christ. Thank you for watching.
Please Share God Bless you all, Amen. ~Mosiah

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