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Thursday, 30 May 2024
Iceland volcano dramatically erupts again as streams of lava reach town’s defensive walls
Friday, 10 May 2024
Wednesday, 8 May 2024
Huge cliff fall sends rocks crashing on to beach, smashing boats and paddle boards in West Country
A popular West Country beach is closed until further notice following a 'significant' cliff fall. Ladram Bay beach near Sidmouth in East Devon, was closed as a precaution by owners Ladram Bay Holiday Park following the incident in the early hours of this morning (Sunday, May 5).
The cliff fall, in which thankfully no-one was hurt, is understood to have happened at around 7am. A large area of rocks collapsed onto boats and stand-up paddle boards moored up onto the beach below. Barriers have since been put up along all access roads to the beach to stop anyone from going on it.
Pictures and videos of the cliff fall show the extent of the cliff fall including larges rocks hanging precariously above and likely to come down in the near future. A spokesperson for the holiday park said the beach would remain out of bound to the public until the safety of the iconic cliffs and Jurassic coastline had been assessed.
Tuesday, 7 May 2024
1917 - Britain created Israel. 2029 - Antichrist King rules world. TRIPLE BLOOD MOONS, Tevet 14th.

Tevet 14th (Jan 5th 2015), which was the centre of the tetrad of blood moons in 2014-15, is the Vine of all the signs.
Its the Moon that holds up all the Eclipses, in a symmetrical menorah pattern, for ever.
Which lines up perfectly with the centre BLOOD MOON in June 2029.
"makes merry and sends gifts one to another because these two prophets had tormented them that dwelled on the earth"
"what about the year 1917?"
my answer was
"Balfour declaration, Britain created Israel by giving the Jews a place to live in Palestine"
He said
"what about the heavenly signs, eclipses of 1917?
I answered
"I do not know them"
Also both Jan and December are both Tevet 14th
Wow amazing.
Please share this with Family, Friends and Social Medias,
~ Mosiah
WEBSITE:- http://endoftheagebibleprophecy.blogspot.com - END OF THE AGE - ILLUSTRATION BOOK & VIDEO SERMONS:- http://endoftheagebibleprophecy.blogspot.com/p/end-of-age-illustration-book.html CONTACT DETAILS:- http://endoftheagebibleprophecy.blogspot.com/p/contact.html - FAST Track PROPHECY Learning, Links. https://endoftheagebibleprophecy.blogspot.com/p/fast-track-prophecy-learning-prophecy.html
Friday, 3 May 2024
October 2032 BLOOD MOON Breaks the PERFECT CYCLE of GOD. End of Tribulation and Mortality.
The Second Two Blood Moons actually fall on the Feast of Passover and Tabernacles.
Wednesday, 1 May 2024
King William V - False Messiah pt28 "The WINTER KING" Will I AM ARTHUR. Seal One Coronation.
which would bring us back to that old friend Tevet 14th (SABBATHDAY Jan 3rd) 2026. Minus 40 days for the seals happening would take us back again to late November 2025. which is my opinion would be classed as Winter. So, Is this a confirmation that the seals and the passing of the throne will be in Winter time and that is when william will be crowned king (seal one). well u make your own decision, but i wouldn't of said anything unless it confirms the timeline we are already expecting.
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLtOnMaOo1IJgEJ9DIMyUSQAB-PKAGbOzB Thanks for watching. Please share with your Friends and Family and Socials. God Bless you all, In Jesus mighty name. Amen, ~ Mosiah