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Tuesday, 9 July 2024
Happy New Month. 4th Month of the Year Tammuz. (July 7th)
4th Month of the Year Tammuz.
a prophetic month for the Beginning of the Great Tribulation last 3.5 years starting in Tammuz 2029 Blood Moon.
Summer crops like Tomatoes have started growing in the last Two weeks. Wind chill was still bad that i didn't transplant the rest of the summer crop out the run up to this New Moon.
After a Heavy rain last night it really feels like things are warning up though.
Will likely be putting the rest of the Tomatoes and Cucumber outside in 2 weeks on the Tammuz 14th Full Moon.
War Conflict Window 2024, Venus in Leo.!.... & 2025's - Inheritance event, Seals etc.

FAST Track PROPHECY Learning, Links.
Monday, 8 July 2024
Las Vegas hits its all-time temperature record. HEAT WAVE
Las Vegas has hit its all-time temperature record amid an ongoing widespread heatwave along the US West Coast.
The city in Nevada recorded 49C (120F) for the first time on Sunday - a day after the temperature reached 46C (115F) there, which tied with a record set in 2007.
Temperatures are running as much as 20 degrees above normal for this time of year in some places, according to National Weather Service (NWS) meteorologist Bryan Jackson.
read more from source - https://news.sky.com/story/las-vegas-hits-all-time-temperature-record-as-motorcyclist-dies-from-heat-exposure-in-death-valley-13175014
Sunday, 7 July 2024
Saturday, 6 July 2024
Mount Etna and Stromboli eruptions:.. flights cancelled?
Italy’s Mount Etna and the smaller Stromboli volcano spewed hot ash and lava, raising alert levels on the Mediterranean island of Sicily and forcing a temporary shutdown of the airport in Catania, disrupting flights.
Etna, one of the world’s most active volcanoes, has seen intense activity in recent days, lighting up the sky near Catania, while Stromboli off the northern Sicilian coast spilled lava into the sea.
Read more from source - https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/7/5/sicily-closes-airport-as-etna-and-stromboli-volcanoes-erupt
Friday, 5 July 2024
JERUSALEM is Centre CAPSTONE of the Earth... THIS is the other 👇 Never seen Poles, Ice, Extinction.

It is also called the foundations stone.
Is this telling us that yes is this the centre stone of the earth?
ie roughly 31° North & 34° East.
Same rock and land type, and at one point same Kindreds.
We know the Nephilim were across all the earth so this place is highly likely.
We will see soon enough (78 weeks), that would suit me as the weather should be better here in Wales.
Please share this with Family and Friends and Social Medias.
In Jesus mighty name,