Friday 5 July 2024

JERUSALEM is Centre CAPSTONE of the Earth... THIS is the other 👇 Never seen Poles, Ice, Extinction.

I have heard it said before that Jerusalem is the centre of the Earth, especially in God's eyes.
Just recently though i come across how there is a capstone on the temple mount where the Temple was built over.

in fact the Dome of the Rock is also built over the top of it now.
It is also called the foundations stone.
Is this telling us that yes is this the centre stone of the earth?

interesting how Israel is right on tectonic plate fault lines but if they get earthquakes they get very worried, but yet on the other side of the Globe like California sitting on the San Andrea Fault line get earthquakes every day yet are not so worried.

I believe Jerusalem is that centre of the earth capstone and pivot that can not be moved.
What i mean by this, is that these Islands, have never been a North or South Pole, or "Ice age" or has ever seen physically extinct ie under water consumed.

Here is thing in my mind that if that is the case that Jerusalem is a capstone on this GLOBE Earth which we do dwell IN,
Then there must be a counterpart.

I took the coordinance of Jerusalem 
ie roughly 31° North & 34° East.

then went to the other side of the Globe by 180° and then applied thm coordinance again.but instead of North, going South of the equator.

I came across this place that really jumped out at me because of the stretch marks of the earth.
Meaning the tectonic plate movement over the few Extinction level events we have had has left its mark.

This place is called French Polynesia Islands.

Research has shown that Southern North America (Arizona area) and Australia were once connected.
Same rock and land type, and at one point same Kindreds.
This makes sense with this model, as the have split apart a the point of the French Polynesia Islands. 

The French Polynesia Islands are also home to these medieval engraven images. very similar to one Satan used during my encounter with him. one of his illusion he had this outside a house gate while they did a burnt sacrifice in the garden. Of course this was all an illusion but maybe in the past?

These engraven Images which are an abomination against God call also date back as far as the Giant Nephilim.
We know the Nephilim were across all the earth so this place is highly likely.
Remember this place has been above sea forever.

This place might sound like a good place to survival the coming First passing of the throne Nibiru.
But i wouldn't like to risk that, although it maybe possible that all the plates moving away from this centre pivot point, that all the tsunamis move away from this point, when the plates move, rather that sending tsunami over it.

Anyway just thought i would drop this one as it came into my spirit.
The Poles can move here and there. they prophecy the next position of the poles is over India and Brazil.

We will see soon enough (78 weeks), that would suit me as the weather should be better here in Wales.

Thanks for watching.

Please share this with Family and Friends and Social Medias.

God Bless you all,
In Jesus mighty name,


~ Mosiah


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