Just a little disclaimer, that I AM not saying these two events are the same thing, but rather give you two factual events.
"Saturn Loses its Rings"
First, the planet Saturn, which has a ring around it will go through a once every roughly 15 year event. The tilt of Saturn's Axis will be in such a way that the Ring of Saturn will actually not be visible.
The last time this happened was 14/9/2009 (I was not born again until 2013)
and the next time it will happen again is April 1st 2039, but the Tribulation and this mortal Humanity will be over by Jan 2033.
"Satan Loses his Wings"
The next biblical event we are waiting on now is the inheritance event in which my timeline shows as happening on the Feast of Tabernacles 2025.
It will be Jesus 8th Birthday since the Revelation Second coming birth signs was fulfilled in Rosh Hashanah 2017.
Enoch 60 declares this Inheritance event of Revelation 5 and continuation of Revelation 12, to happen on the 14th Day of the Seventh month (Tishrei) which is the Feast of Tabernacles.
There are some events that Must happen just before the Manchild Jesus Christ can make it to the Throne of God, Nibiru to take his Inheritance which is the ownership of the Earth, in the form of the Seven Seals.
First is the women on the earth, Israel must say
"Blessed is he that comes in the name of the Lord".
Jesus said we would not see him again until Israel shall say this.
Jesus said this to Israel while standing on the Temple mount, in the city, Jerusalem, inside the City walls.
Also just before the inheritance event of Jesus getting from his house (Revelation 1-3) to God's house (Revelation 4+5>)and throne happens, Satan has to be moved out of the way.
The Dragon stands before the women to devour the manchild as soon as he is born.
Jesus is in a house / manger in the heavens, no-one can find him, like the first coming, even Satan can't get at him.
Jesus has been in that manger in the heavens for nearly 8 years since the birth sign was complete in 2017.
Protected, from satan, even not found by the heavenly host.
Common sense says Satan must be taken out the way for the man child to have safe passage to the throne at the inheritance Event.
So to comes the war in Heaven when Michael and his Angels go to war with Satan and his Angels, and they loose and Satan and His Angels are thrown down to the earth.
SATAN is THROWN DOWN to EARTH as "Baraq o Bamah", Mr "LIGHTNING from the HEIGHTS"
I will admit my perception that all these events would take place in and around the Fall Feast time.
Here is a fact though,
there is nothing stopping Satan and his Angels being thrown down to earth earlier than when the inheritance event happens.
The Fact is Satan has to be moved out the way first.
This sign has made me see that satan and his angels being moved out the way could happen before the inheritance event but certainly not after.
But again this is not me saying that Satan and his angels will be cast down in March of this year because f this Sign of Saturn, but it's not impossible for it too happen between March and Fall Feasts.
I would need strong evidence that this event has happened though for me to preach that Satan and his Angels have been thrown down.
When Satan is stuck on the earth as "Baraq o Bamah" he will persecute Israel the women, but he will also "come out of hiding" so to speak and be back on the scene. He will be possessed with Satan for the rest of the end of the age. He shall then move to start preparing to make King William V the Antichrist, King of the world and worshipped as God.
I believe Baraq o Bamah will be back as maybe chairman of the United Nations, since they are the world government.
He can never be head of EU as he is not legally European, and he won't be back to America.
Baraq o Bamah will not be captain of the ship (America) that goes down.
Yes America will be consumed by war and the the trumpets and this will even begin in the seven seals.
they have allocated Trump as the Fall Guy, to be Captain of the ship when it goes down.
If Baraq came back on the scene full strength, after March, i would consider this sign in the Heavens of Saturn loses its Rings as a Sign of the war in heaven taking place, and that Satan and his Angels have lost their Wings.
Then the Tribulation and Seven Seals can begin.
Thanks for watching.
God Bless you all in Jesus mighty name.
~ Mosiah
~ Mosiah
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