Thursday, 16 August 2018

7 Colours of Gods Work is not 6 colours of Satans work


Genesis 9:13-17 
I do set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth.

And it shall come to pass, when I bring a cloud over the earth, that the bow shall be seen in the cloud:

And I will remember my covenant, which is between me and you and every living creature of all flesh; and the waters shall no more become a flood to destroy all flesh.

And the bow shall be in the cloud; and I will look upon it, that I may remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is upon the earth.

And God said unto Noah, This is the token of the covenant, which I have established between me and all flesh that is upon the earth.

As much as people may think Satan has complete control to run rampant on the Earth, this is not so true.
Satan has created his own little empire LGBT, which approve abomination against God, through Homosexuality and Transgenderism.

But Satan was not granded permission from God to use Gods 7 colours of the Rainbow.. he had to use 6 colours..

Releation also tells us that the number of the Beast (Antichrist - Son of Satan) is 6 6 6.


CHECKLISTS: Seven Seals, Seven Trumpets & Seven Bowls.

checklist, seven seals, seven trumpet judgments, seven bowl wrath vial judgements,  Pastor Prophet Justin Roberts - End of the age bible prophecy

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The Scroll with Seven Seals
Seven Seals of God Jesus opens scroll, Antichrist released and crowned, war outbreak from israel world war 3, market collapse, north korea take down north america, gods people cry to god for help, throne of god passes nibiru worldwide earthquake, pole shift, sun dar, moon blood, government underground bunkers cities, 144,000 saints sealed, first rapture great multitude, lock on off, voice thunder lightning, seven trumpets.Pastor Prophet Justin Roberts - End of the age bible prophecy

The Seven Trumpet Judgements
seven trumpet judgements angels, nibiru passing, fiery hail and blood, la palma volcano collapse, return black death comet wormwood, three days nights darkness, sun moon stars, yellowstone erupts, locust 144,000, 5 months, nuclear holocaust, russia, china, north korea, iran, NATO, 200 million army, serpant, 13 months, 1/3 population, seventh angels delayed, little scroll, eat, second passing nibiru throne, trumpet, jesus rapture harvest dead, sickle still alive, Great hail,  Pastor Prophet Justin Roberts - End of the age bible prophecy

The Seven Bowls of the Wrath of God
seven bowl wrath judgments, rfids chip, sores, worship beast, image, right hand or forehead, rivers fountains, turned blood red, sea, creature in sea died, drink blood, sun scorches heat, blasphemy,  river euphrates dries up, king of the east, evil trinity, dragon beast and false prophet, devils, great day of god almighty, thief, place called Armageddon, hebrew tongue, pour, air, great voice from heaven, "it is done" lightning and voice thunders, great earthquake, great city split three parts, nations fall, great babylon, rome, mountains islands,  Pastor Prophet Justin Roberts - End of the age bible prophecy


Big Storm in the Pacific brewing and taking aim at Hawaii.

In 7 days the storm is forecast to hit the Island.

Winds in excess of 100mph are forecast. 


God Bless



Big Storm in the Pacific brewing and taking aim at Hawaii.
In 7 days the storm is forecast to hit the Island.
Winds in excess of 100mph are forecast. 
God Bless

Friday, 10 August 2018

Mosiah HAPPY BIRTHDAY "JUSTIN" (just & true) 34 TODAY, 11th August

Yes guys i am finally turning 34.. phew..!!

33 felt like forever, and with the Ministry halting at 33,000 for nearly a whole year. Since Sept 2017 (Revelation 12 sig in the heavens, the like level remained the say for nearly a year, before Facebook without reason delte the Ministry page..

I take the new Facebook ministry page as a new beginning, New Teeth coming through. 

Thanks to everyone across the world for the constant support of the Ministry, 

Thanks to God for saving me 5.5 years ago, 

And a very greatful to be able to finish enveiling all God has shown me about the End of the Age.

I am looking forward to the next mission God has for me, for he is righteous in all his ways.

Lots of Love
Pastor and Saint of the Most High God
Justin Roberts

Mosiah HAPPY BIRTHDAY "JUSTIN" (just & true) 34 TODAY, 11th August

Yes guys i am finally turning 34.. phew..!!

33 felt like forever, and with the Ministry halting at 33,000 for nearly a whole year. Since Sept 2017 (Revelation 12 sig in the heavens, the like level remained the say for nearly a year, before Facebook without reason delte the Ministry page..

I take the new Facebook ministry page as a new beginning, New Teeth coming through. 

Thanks to everyone across the world for the constant support of the Ministry, 
Thanks to God for saving me 5.5 years ago, 
And a very greatful to be able to finish enveiling all God has shown me about the End of the Age.

I am looking forward to the next mission God has for me, for he is righteous in all his ways.

Lots of Love
Pastor and Saint of the Most High God
Justin Roberts

Wednesday, 8 August 2018

SEAL TWO BIRTH PAINS: Palestinians Fire Rockets, Drawing Israel Air Strikes

Palestinian militants fired at least three dozen missiles from the Gaza Strip, two of which hit a neighboring Israeli town, and Israel responded with air strikes across the coastal territory, the Israeli army said.

The conflict in Gaza heated up Wednesday amid reports that Hamas, which rules the 40-kilometer sliver of land, was close to reaching a cease-fire agreement that could curtail four months of violent border confrontations. Hamas is considered a terrorist organization by Israel, the U.S. and European Union.

Two of the 36 missiles hit the town of Sderot, east of Gaza, injuring two Israelis, according to Hadashot television news. Four were downed by Israel’s Iron Dome missile interception system and the rest fell in open areas, the army said in a text message. Israel killed two Hamas fighters with tank shells on Tuesday.