Another amazing sign in the heavens is the Triple Blood Moons that we are about to enter into.
March and September 2025 and March 2026.
My Timeline has revealed that the Seven Seals and 5 Trumpets will take place after the Fall Feasts 2025 and before Nuclear World War 3, which the Heavens have booked in for June 2026.
TOTAL Solar Eclipse + VENUS in TAURUS... 2023-26
SIX Heavenly SIGNS - of WORLD WAR 1, Happening AGAIN NOW until 2026 = WORLD WAR 3.
I notice first that this First Blood Moon (Shining over Americas) was actually the Feast of Purim which is on the 14th (Full Moon) of the Month Adar.
Queen Esther saves the Jewish people from a Babylonian extermination.
Later on i come to realise that the third part of this Blood Moon Trinity (Shining over Pacific Ocean) is also on the Feast of Purim.
So we have a Double "Bloody Purim" and the centerpiece the is the September Blood Moon.
This September Blood Moon will pretty much kick off a 3 month long set of Tribulation Events with the Seven Seals that will lead to the First passing of God's Throne at Tevet 14th, Jan 3rd 2026.
The beginning of the Tribulation will go like this.
September 7th. (Elul 14th) BLOOD MOON (Shining over Russia, India, China)
War window - Venus is Leo.
September 9th - October 9th.
Feast of Trumpets,Tishrei 1st - 3rd - September 22nd-25th
Jesus 8th Birthday on September 25th.
8 the Number of COMPLETION...
Feast of Tabernacles, Tishrei 14th - October 7th-14th
The Inheritance event where the manchild Jesus Christ is caught up by the women (Israel) to the throne of God, Nibiru to receive his inheritance in the form of the Seven Seals.
Revelation 5 and continuation of Revelation 12.
Two Sequences of Tribulation Timelines.
After the Women Israel has said the words
"Baruch Haba B'shem Adonai"
This will happen in the Feast of Tabernacles like Enoch 60 dates it.
Join us.
On the Sabbath day like i have always thought it will and how the Book of Revelation was given on the Sabbath Day to John, when he was keeping the Sabbath day and heard the voice of the angel like a trumpet / Shofar.
That is exactly how the Inheritance will begin.
So the Day in October that fulfils them scriptures is the Sabbath Day, Friday 10th Sundown - Saturday 11th Sundown.
By my Timeline this would mean there would be a 6 week gap from October 11th to November 24th for the Seals to begin with William V being crowned king at Seal One.
40 days of the Seals until the Throne of God hits the earth at Tevet 14th Full Moon 2026, Noon Time in Israel, 10am UK Time, 3am US Time.
Sun goes down at Noon Time in Israel
Chanukah, the time the Jews got the Temple back from the wicked greek / Romans will be 14th - 21st December 2025.
So there you have it.
Thanks for watching. Please prayer for repentance of sin in Jesus mighty name and blood.
Ask God to show you all these things he has shown me, for time is short (53 weeks) until all these things shall be Completed.
Please share this with Friends and Family and Socials.
God Bless you all,
In Jesus mighty name,
~ Mosiah
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