Nibiru (Throne of God) location in the heavens according to the last fe year earthquake spikes (back side of the sun) and a two year ago sighting in Libra constellation and a Tevet 14th passing prophecy and being only a couple of constellations away from ophiuchus (13th constellation) the golden gate of heavens, centre of the heavens. Looking for a Red Crucifix in the Heavens when the time comes and or a Blue Kachina Star not far away from Nibiru.
As part of the deal, Israel agreed to withdraw its military from the four-mile-long Netzarim corridor, which separates northern Gaza from the south.
Israeli forces have begun pulling back from a key corridor through Gaza as part of its ceasefire deal with Hamas.
As part of the deal, Israel agreed to withdraw its military from the four-mile-long Netzarim corridor, which separates northern Gaza from the south.
When the ceasefire began last month Israel began allowing Palestinians to cross the corridor and return to their homes, many of which are little more than rubble after 15 months of war.
HAPPY SHEVAT 14th Full Moon. 11th Month of the Year. - Looking forward to New Year. Looking to prepare ground ready for summer harvest. sowed some early seeds undercovers.
I have just had this come up in my news feed, and that is how this big Asteroid is going to strike the earth in 2032. How the government are preparing a defence strategy like sending a space ships or missiles to crash into it, to deflect it away from hitting the earth.
On this other hand they are also saying it only has a 1% chance of hitting earth.
Common sense, which is not common, should tell us that if something had only a 1% chance to hit the earth, why would they go to expense of defending against it?
It could even make it worse and deflect it towards earth.
the main reason this grabbed me was, 2032.
This is the yearmy timeline sees the tribulation come to an End.
The last 3.5 years of great tribulation begins in June 2029.
2029. TRIPLE BLOOD MOONS x2 Tevet 14th Blood Moons. Time of the End? Armageddon.
The Sign of Jupiter (the king) inVirgo (Israel) is a confirmation sign in the heavens that theAntichristwill be King of Israel and rule the world from that time on. The sign is between February and June, which puts Easter and apophis inside that window.
The Stars of the Two Witnesses, Vesta and Ceres also come together in December 2029 and stay together until 2032 and then lose touch with one another. Another sign that us Two Witnessesshall start our 3.5 years, 1260 day mission, in June 2029.
We know from the scriptures, that us Two Witnesses come to our end at Christ-Mass. After killing us in Jerusalem, the heathen then procedures to celebrateChrist-Mass.
"They make merry, and send giftsone to another, because these two prophets tormented them that dwell on the earth"
We know then that this crucifixion will happen on Tevet 14thFull Moon but its has to fall just before christmas, which in 2032, Tevet 14th does fall on December 16th.
Some years it's different, great example, this year coming, the First Passing of God's throne, Tevet 14th full moon will be on Jan 3rd 2026.
Coming full circle now.
If us Two Witnesses are crucified on Tevet 14th, December 16th 2032 as all these things point too, then we will rise from the dead 3.5 days later as the scripture says,
After we resurrect after 3.5 days the whole world will be shocked as it looks on LIVE stream. then we ascend up to heaven in a cloud, just as Jesus did.
In the Same Hour, the Second and Last Passing of God's Throne Nibiru happens.
The 144,000 saints are also caught up. The Seventh Angel sounds and the Great Harvest of the dead and living in christ happens too. The Bowls of God's Wrath are pouredout on the earth, then its 40 days until the battle at Armageddon.
During the second passing of the throne something very significant also happens, that is Babylon the Great, Rome is destroyed.
Rev 16:19
And great Babylon came in remembrancebefore God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath.
In Revelation 18, the scripture documents the destruction of Rome, that God will turn the hearts of theantichrist and his ten world leaders to destroy Rome. In one day they shall burn her with fire.
Revelation 18:8
Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned withfire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her.
Another part of the judgement is a mighty angel takes up a STONE like a GREAT MILESTONE and throws it down and Babylon Rome is found no more at all.
Revelation 18:21
And a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone, and cast it into the sea, saying, Thus with violence shall that great city Babylon (Rome) be thrown down, and shall be found no more at all.
This Asteroid is set to hit the earth on December 22nd, 2032.
Just amazing, in fact i didn't think it was possible when i heard 2032, but this Stone from heaven is going to hit the earth 1 dayafter the Throne of God hits the earth (December 20th), which is the second passing of the throne of God, Nibru. Which in itself is another Extinction level event.
This all lines up with the timeline i have already made.
I totally believe that this Asteroid is the milestone that hits and makes Roem extinct, during, specifically, just after the second passing of the throne is complete.
so come out of her nowpeople who follow the counterfeit religion of easter, christmas and sunday.
She will be extinct in less than 8 years. Nothing of Babylon will inherit this earth when Jesus rules this earth in less 8 years from now.
What a great confirmation, even so i can now put "YR4" on my timeline.
Another small thing also they have called this Asteroid "YR4"sounds to me like "Year #4".
Well if at the resurrection of the antichrist, they 0 the years back, like they did in Jesus first coming.
2025 year since Christ.
well if they 0 the years at the Antichrist resurrection in easter 2029 or when he starts his reign in June 2029, then when december 2032 comes it will have been 3.5 years since then. They will literally be in the Year 4 After William's resurrection.
Thanks for watching please share this Article with Friends and Family and Socials, for the time is short.
I also have always believed, that this event would happen on the Sabbath Lord's day. Even keeping watch, listening up, every Sabbath Day from Friday sundown until Saturday sundown and refusing to work that day, especially since God rebuked me of forsaking the Sabbath Day for a well needed Job.
Just as the Book of Revelation was given to John on the Sabbath Day with a voice of a TrumpetShofar (Rev 1) i believe the Inheritance event (Rev 4>) will be given to us as the angel who has a voice of a Shofar.
2. The Jews (The women on the earth) has to say "Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord", which will bring forward the manchild to God's throne.
I have always had a belief that this Fulfilment of Jesus promise to the Jews for his return would actually happen on the Temple mount where he made the promise. He stood inside the City walls, in the City, Jerusalem on the Temple mount and said this promise.
At the moment the Jews are still not allowed on the Temple mount.
I believe that this War Window of Venus in Leo (Sept 9th - Oct 9th) will be the event that triggers them to go up to the temple mount to sayMatt 23:29 on (Oct 11th). This is my point i was trying to make in this post.