Tuesday, 18 March 2025

GEMINI / JUPITER Loop... CLONED ANTICHRIST KING is Coming.!.. Nov 11/11 2025... SEAL ONE.



but just as all stars that orbit the Sun have an annual loop kick back...

My Star Vesta's loop is happening right now actually until July, joined by mystery star Juno.

Well Jupiter (The King) is also having its loop in November this year through to march of next year...

Jupiter is also a sign of King.

Like in 2017 it represented Jesus in the Rev 12 birth sign, being in Virgo for 9 months before...

in 2029, when it become king in Virgo which represents Israel. this also to me is a sign of when the Antichrist King William V rules the world from Israel.

This loop of Jupiter, we have coming up, is in the constellation Gemini.

Gemini represents the cloned Antichrist. in fact when William was born on Summer solstice 1982, he was actually is born as Gemini.

They even made a movie to this whole thing, where a clone comes to make war with the true original person, and called it
"The Gemini Man"


this is exactly how it will be in the end times, William and his armies of the world will make war with the return of Jesus Christ at the Valley of Armageddon...

and will loose of course and Jesus will rule this world 1000 years.

This loop starts specifically in November 11th...
which is interesting 11/11, but also that it fits perfectly with my timeline.

My timeline of the nuke world war happening in June 2026 (trumpet 6)...

then puts the passing of the throne which is (seal 6-7) 5 months earlier (trumpet 5) in Jan 2026. 

and of course our old friend Tevet 14h is on Jan 3rd

so could the first passing of God's Throne Nibiru happen on Tevet 14th as the Second passing does???

we know this is true of the second passing, as us Two Witnesses are put to death and heathen celebrates Christmas...

but after 3.5 days we resurrect and ascend to the throne one hour before it hits the earth for his Second and Final Passing. in December 20th 2032.

actually newly revelation, 2 days before the asteroid "Year 4" Hits the earth and Babylon Rome to be more specific on December 22nd.

So if the throne hits for the first passing happens on Tevet 14th Full Moon Jan 3rd 2026, then we can count back 40 days for the seals to begin...

this would bring us to the date of November 24th...

here is where it gets specifically interesting again.
November 11th the window opens and the loop begins of the sign in the heavens of Jupiter in Gemini which you could say is The Clone Antichrist King... 

My timeline already put Prince William coming as King at November 24th ish.

this is Seal One, one of the first events, excluding the inheritance event, when Jesus receives the scroll with seven seals from the the Father in heaven.

Seal One is the when the antichrist comes as a king to conquer the world.

This sign of Jupiter in Gemini (11/11) is a confirmation that certainly that cloned antichrist will be coming at King (Seal One) in November 24th ish.

lets get ready with repentance of sin, praying to our father to forgive us of our sin in Jesus mighty name and blood.
and lets get ready our exodus preparation.

 my 144000 saints, as there WILL BE a great exodus of saints which will be complete in 41 weeks from now.
example.. all the saints from east coast flee into the appalachian mountains.

please share this Video Article with Friends & Family and Socials because this will soon be on us, only a growing season away really..

God Bless you all
in Jesus mighty name,
~ Mosiah

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