Wednesday 26 June 2024

King William V - False Messiah pt 29. The 40 Year Old+ TALMUDIC Messiah , Summer Solstice.


Since its Summer Solstice time of the Year i decided to put this specific Video and Article of Prophecy out there. 

As Benjamin Creme announced to the world in May 1982 that
"The Messiah is now here"
As the Ancient witches said "their sun-god" would be born on the Summer Solstice.
Prince William was born on June 21st 1982 on the Summer Solstice, as he should be.

The Antichrist being such a counterfeit of Jesus Christ that they cloned Jesus's blood DNA and made for themselves a cloned Beast.

All through his 30's i was watching him like a hawk, me also in my 30's as I AM 2 years younger than him.

Realising that the the Antichrist can not fulfill the old prophecies of what the Messiah will be.

In 2022, Prince William turned 40 Years Old while the Queen had 70 years on the throne. I knew this to be a special year and both numbers are biblical numbers.

Then the Queen passed away later that year.

Here is the thing i realised in making this Video is that this Talmudic False Messiah could not of come until the year 2022 when William has turn 40 years old.

These in the Illuminati and Satan would would have known this im sure.

But now he has turned 40 in the last 2 years then he can fulfill the prophecy of the Satanic Talmud book which says the:

"The Resurrection (False resurrection of the antichrist) will happen Forty years after the Advent (Arrival) of the Messiah"

 So by this scripture we know that this Talmudic False Messiah will be at least 40 years old.

I wish i knew this ten years ago, but i guess God liked to keep me on my toes and wow, even when writing this God has revealed to me the talmudic 40 year old false messiah only when he turned 40. wow.

God Bless you all, and get ready for the next 1.5 years.

Get saved by asking forgiveness' of your sins in Jesus mighty name and blood be washed of your sins and go your way and sin no more.

Be caught up to the Throne when he passes:

To you my 144,000 saints of the bloodline of Jacob and testify to Jesus, get your exodus bags ready.
prepare to flee into the mountains just before God hits the earth in his Throne Nibiru at the 6th-7th Seal.
T minus 79 weeks.

Please share this with your Friends and Family and Social Medias.

God Bless you all,



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