Wednesday 12 June 2024

ANTICHRIST False RESURRECTION. Asteroid "APOPHIS" Friday 13th April.. . EASTER 2029. BLOOD Moons.


In 2029 there is Asteroid named "Apophis" they have dubbed "The God of Chaos" is coming.
to me that sounds like Satan and the antichrist as God is not a God of chaos but order and obedience and Holiness.

Apophis is due to come close to earth on April 13th 2029.
April 13th.... unlucky for some huh?

The government are "so worried" about it or they are making a "big deal" about it, so bad, that they are saying they are sending space ships up there to deflect it.

I believe this could be one of the sign that they are going to use during the false resurrection of the antichrist.
Yes, they will also switch everything else on too.
Earthquake generators, weather manipulation to bring clouds, haarp / blue beam to put pictures in the sky, and dead celebrities (that never were dead) coming back to life again.
But this also cud be a hyped up sign in the heavens that they can use to tell u it was a sign from the heavens thats why King William V has resurrected.
"Its like God has come down to use in Human form"

I AM not just plucking these dates out of the sky though. In fact my on going building of prophecy timelines has brought me to this.

Us Two WItnesses start our 3.5 year mission in June 2029.
As My star "Vesta" and Jason's star "Ceres" come together in Jan 2030.

Now our mission shall finish at Christmas so our 3.5 Years mission must begin at June.... 2029.
So now the end of the tribulation can be based from this cornerstone of prophecy.

The Two stars lose track of each other in 2032, by the way.
This marks the end of the tribulation.

Also Jupiter (the King planet) returns to Virgo the Virgin (Israel) in 2029.
Specifically Jupiters loop is Feb 8th to June 14th 2029.

This will be the time that Israel accepts Jesus as their King and Messiah and believe in him, and actually have to flee into the wilderness to wait for 3.5 years.

Israel shall accept King William V as their Mashiach through emotions, even though he has not, does not and can not fulfill the actual scripture of what their messiah should be.

I believe this is the very time that the Antichrist shall start his 3.5 year reign from Israel,

We also have another "coincidence", this all happens in the midst of a Triple blood moon.

Two of which are Tevet 14th, which they have not been Blood Moons for 30 years at that time.

So when put all these events together you can see how i believe that the False Resurrection would happen in April 2029.
The Fact is that the False resurrection has to happen before the Antichrist rules the world from Israel in June 2029 until Christ-mass 2032

Will they do it on Easter Friday? which is the Friday 30th March... 
Wow just looked and Passover falls on the same day too...!!!

To deceive both Jew and Gentile with a False Easter Death and Resurrection.
A Fake 1.5 day resurrection, on a Fake Friday which Jesus was not crucified on.

So i totally think the False resurrection will be around Easter/Passover 2029.
within the window of King to Israel (Jupiter in Virgo)
Just before the Antichrist King William V starts his 42 months rule from Jerusalem and the temple starting in June 2029.
Just before Us Two Witnesses start our 1260 day mission in June 2029, physically coming together in Jan 2030 ish, and come to our end at Tevet 14th, just before christ-mass 2029.

does it all easily make sense
God's Burdon is easy.

Please share with family an friends, for time is short until the first passing of the throne (seal 6 - 81 weeks)
God Bless you all,
in Jesus Mighty name,

~ Mosiah

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