Tuesday 18 June 2024


There is a sign in the heavens in 2029 that confirms this is the time that the King of Israel shall be.
Jupiter returning Virgo. 
Jupiter represents the King, Virgo represents Israel in Biblical Prophetic Astronomy.

In 2017 Revelation Birth (Second coming) sign in the heavens.
Jupiter represented Jesus Christ the manchild that shall rules the world with a rod of Iron.

Jupiter coming into the Virgin, Virgo, 9 months earlier marked the Impregnation time of the birth sign.

Jupiter is now returning to Virgo for the year 2029.
I used to speculate that this could be the return of Jesus to the Earth to rule it for 1000 years.

but as times gone and i have learnt much more over the last 3.5 years like Tevet 14th, Two Witnesses crucified at christ-mass, and when Nuclear World War 3 will be.

This will the turning point though, where Israel has to accept Jesus Christ as their messiah, or they will cut Jesus off from his inheritance and accept the false one as their Mashiach.

Daniel 9:26
And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself:

Jupiter will starts its loop in Virgo around Feb 8th. Then the other part of the loop in June 14th.

This will be the time that the New World order will be moving to make King William V (King of the North) ruler, King, God from Jerusalem, and the Temple of God, to be worshipped as God.

We spoke previously about 2029 being the year that the King Antichrist will rule the world from Israel in the Middle of that year.

How this Triple blood moon sign (Two of which are Tevet 14th) is identical to 1917, when the family of the Antichrist created Israel from nothing.
The Balfour declaration from the British, declared the Jews have a place to call home in Palestine

Apophis also coming down in 2029 Friday 13th, April.
I believe this to be the Easter that the Romans may do the False Resurrection of the Antichrist.

This False Resurrection has to happen before the Antichrist King William V starts to rule the world for 42 months (3.5 years) from Jerusalem, Israel

So you can see the very interesting picture appearing in 2029, especially towards the beginning of the year.

I also have another sign in the heavens to speak about and add to this timeline. I have spoke about in the past i believe but ile speak about it again.
It concerns the Antichrist, and My Star "Vesta"

Catch you on the next one.

Please share this post with Friends, Family and your Social Media.

God Bless you all,
In Jesus mighty name,

~ Mosiah

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