Wednesday 19 June 2024

1290 days past.. False Prophets stop Vaccine is the mark of the beast or Abomination of Desolation.


False Prophets can stop saying the Covid Vaccine is the mark of the beast and/or the Abomination that makes Desolation.

As we have passed 1290 days of the first Vaccine was given (Not ordered by the False Prophet Last Pope).
The Truth is its exactly 5 years from now when all these three things will be in June 2029 the beginning of the last 3.5 years Great Tribulation of the Antichrist King rule over the world from Jerusalem Temple claiming to be God.

For the Abomination of Desolation to happen they need to take away the Burnt offering from the The Temple Institute that has not happen yet, but in October 2026 the #TempleMount in #Jerusalem will change hands.

Jesus returns at the 1335 days at Armageddon to rule the world. U think Jesus is ready to rule the world from Israel in 45 days from now.
This is ludicrous how people take one piece of prophecy and have got it so wrong.
The RFID Chip Implant will begin after June 2029 according to my word.
see up to date timeframe.

For the mark of the Beast to be implanted the Antichrist King William V (not king yet seal one) has to rise from the dead, and then claim to be God. That happened and u didnt notice?
Bible says the whole world will notice and worship because of this great magic trick.

Even the Dirty Temple in Gods eyes has not started yet.
King of Jordan has controlled it for many decades now. but in October 2026 that will all change and the temple mount will be unclean in Gods eyes for 6 years and 3.5 months.

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