Thursday, 20 March 2025

Brazil: ANTICHRIST at COP 30. SEVEN Year PEACE & SAFETY Agreement, Climate Change.


The COP 30 United Nations, Climate change summit meeting will take place in Brazil this year.
The Antichrist Prince William is due to attend.
"Following in his Father King Charles III footsteps".
This was who Charles was talking about at the 2021 meeting when he mentioned someone coming who "had trillions at his disposal" to make all the nations go green.

 This meeting will start on November 10th and will end on the of November 21st.

This also MUST tie into what i just talked about in my last post.
The sign in the heavens of Jupiter looping Gemini, is a sign of the Cloned Antichrist King coming

Which will be in the form of Seal One when the Antichrist is giving a crown and comes as a king first.

he would come as a king first for a little while before he rises from the dead, claims to be God and the Messiah, and rules the world from Israel in June 2029, for 3.5 years.

Also signified by Jupiter (the king) being in Virgo (Israel) at that time.

according to my timeline the Seal One would be around  November 24th, 40 days before the Throne of God, Nibiru hits the Earth on Tevet 14th / Jan 3rd 2026 Full Moon.

so looking at the whole month of November

November 10th - COP 30 starts.
November 11th - Jupiter Gemini, Cloned antichrist King coming window / loop begins
November 21st - COP 30 meeting ends.
November 24th - My calculation Seal One happens, 40 days before throne hits the earth.

I believe this COP meeting will be the forming or unveiling of the plan to save the world from climate change (which is fake)
An agreement spoke of Daniel with MANY (Nations) for a period of one week, which equates to Seven Years. (a week of years)

Daniel 9:27 
And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease,

Confirmed to be a 7 year period and in the middle he daily sacrifice is taken away. there will be 1290 days of Great tribulation and 1335 days until Jesus returns at Armageddon to cleanse the earth.

Daniel 12:
11 And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days.

12 Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days.

But as the scripture also says that when this agreement with many is CONFIRMED, then SUDDEN destruction comes upon them, which makes me believe that this deal will not be finalised and agreed upon until the last days of December or even first days of January. 

The Sudden destruction its talking about is Throne of God Nibiru hitting the earth for the first time at Seals 6-7.

So i believe although the plan be unveiled in November meeting, they shall have a call back in very late December so all nations can agree on this.

This may even be in Geneva Switzerland, and the world leaders may not even leave there as Geneva is a safe haven from the destruction of the Throne, as its thousands of feet high in elevation.
and possibly has inrock underground cities there too

Brazil also has Idolatry and Blasphemy in it.

The Idolatry of having a massive engraved image of Jesus in Rio de Janeiro.

They also have blasphemed by building a counterfeit Temple of Solomon.

There dream of when they build the true Temple of God on the Temple mount in Jerusalem (oct 2026>)
and then King William V takes his place in it around June 2029, claiming to be God..

After his False resurrection on Ishtar 2029, when Apophys hits the earth.

So keep an eye out, at that time. I'm sure us talking about it doesn't really seem real, but i'm sure closer to the time believers will see this as a massive prophetic time.

common sense tells us though.
If they first passing hits the earth on Jan 3rd then the peace and safety agreement will be confirmed days earlier.
if that's the case then it will have to be unveiled sooner.
hence November. so...

Please share this Article with Friends, Family and Socials.

God Bless you all,
 in Jesus mighty name.


~ Mosiah

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