Friday, 7 February 2025

Asteroid "YEAR 4" Hit Babylon Rome, Dec 2032. Day After Second Passing Nibiru, Tribulation End.


Aww, Wow, check this out guys.

I have just had this come up in my news feed, and that is how this big Asteroid is going to strike the earth in 2032. How the government are preparing a defence strategy like sending a space ships or missiles to crash into it, to deflect it away from hitting the earth.

On this other hand they are also saying it only has a 1% chance of hitting earth.
Common sense, which is not common, should tell us that if something had only a 1% chance to hit the earth, why would they go to expense of defending against it?
It could even make it worse and deflect it towards earth.

the main reason this grabbed me was, 2032.
This is the year my timeline sees the tribulation come to an End.

The last 3.5 years of great tribulation begins in June 2029.

2029. TRIPLE BLOOD MOONS x2 Tevet 14th Blood Moons. Time of the End? Armageddon.

1917 - Britain created Israel. 2029 - Antichrist King rules world. TRIPLE BLOOD MOONS, Tevet 14th.

The Apophis Asteroid (god of chaos) is set to also strike the earth around easter, Friday the 13th April noo less.
I see this as a time for them to do the false resurrection of the antichrist King William V, months before the tribulation of his reign begins.

The Sign of Jupiter (the king) in Virgo (Israel) is a confirmation sign in the heavens that the Antichrist will be King of Israel and rule the world from that time on. The sign is between February and June, which puts Easter and apophis inside that window.

The Stars of the Two Witnesses, Vesta and Ceres also come together in December 2029 and stay together until 2032 and then lose touch with one another. Another sign that us Two Witnesses shall start our 3.5 years, 1260 day mission, in June 2029.

We know from the scriptures, that us Two Witnesses come to our end at Christ-Mass. After killing us in Jerusalem, the heathen then procedures to celebrate Christ-Mass.

"They make merry, and send gifts one to another, because these two prophets tormented them that dwell on the earth"

We know then that this crucifixion will happen on Tevet 14th Full Moon but its has to fall just before christmas, which in 2032, Tevet 14th does fall on December 16th.

Some years it's different, great example, this year coming, the First Passing of God's throne, Tevet 14th full moon will be on Jan 3rd 2026.

Coming full circle now.

If us Two Witnesses are crucified on Tevet 14th, December 16th 2032 as all these things point too, then we will rise from the dead 3.5 days later as the scripture says,

That brings us too December 20th.

After we resurrect after 3.5 days the whole world will be shocked as it looks on LIVE stream. then we ascend up to heaven in a cloud, just as Jesus did.

In the Same Hour, the Second and Last Passing of God's Throne Nibiru happens.
The 144,000 saints are also caught up. The Seventh Angel sounds and the Great Harvest of the dead and living in christ happens too.
The Bowls of God's Wrath are poured out on the earth, then its 40 days until the battle at Armageddon.

During the second passing of the throne something very significant also happens, that is Babylon the Great, Rome is destroyed.

Rev 16:19
And great Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath.

In Revelation 18, the scripture documents the destruction of Rome, that God will turn the hearts of the antichrist and his ten world leaders to destroy Rome. In one day they shall burn her with fire.

Revelation 18:8
Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her.

Another part of the judgement is a mighty angel takes up a STONE like a GREAT MILESTONE and throws it down and Babylon Rome is found no more at all.

Revelation 18:21
And a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone, and cast it into the sea, saying, Thus with violence shall that great city Babylon (Rome) be thrown down, and shall be found no more at all.

This Asteroid is set to hit the earth on December 22nd, 2032.

Just amazing, in fact i didn't think it was possible when i heard 2032, but this Stone from heaven is going to hit the earth 1 day after the Throne of God hits the earth (December 20th), which is the second passing of the throne of God, Nibru. Which in itself is another Extinction level event.

This all lines up with the timeline i have already made.
I totally believe that this Asteroid is the milestone that hits and makes Roem extinct, during, specifically, just after the second passing of the throne is complete.

so come out of her now people who follow the counterfeit religion of easter, christmas and sunday.

She will be extinct in less than 8 years. Nothing of Babylon will inherit this earth when Jesus rules this earth in less 8 years from now.

What a great confirmation, even so i can now put "YR4" on my timeline.

Another small thing also they have called this Asteroid "YR4" sounds to me like "Year #4".
Well if at the resurrection of the antichrist, they 0 the years back, like they did in Jesus first coming.
2025 year since Christ. 
well if they 0 the years at the Antichrist resurrection in easter 2029 or when he starts his reign in June 2029, then when december 2032 comes it will have been 3.5 years since then.
They will literally be in the Year 4 After William's resurrection.

Thanks for watching please share this Article with Friends and Family and Socials, for the time is short.

Please plan which Safe Haven (my 144,000 saints) will be going too.

God Bless you all in Jesus precious name and blood.

~ Mosiah 

Friday, 31 January 2025

BLOOD MOON. WAR Window, Sept - Oct. Venus in Leo. Israel;. Inheritance Event. Jesus, Seven Seals.

Following on from my last post about the Triple Blood Moons and Double Purim Blood moons, and the beginning of the Tribulation in the Fall Feasts.

Now i want to specifically tell you about the War Window that happens just after the Centre Blood Moon, on September 7th.

The War Window will begin two days later, on September 9th.
It will end of October 9th.

Within this though you will have the Feast of Trumpets on September 22nd - 25th.

This is Jesus 8th Birthday since the Revelation 12 Birth Sign in the Heavens was complete in Feast of Trumpets 2017.
8 is the Number of completion.

For us, i believe this means Completion of waiting for the Inheritance event to happen where the man child who is still in his manger in the heavens, will be caught up to God's Throne, Nibiru to take the Inheritance of the earth in the form of the Seven Seals.

For Satan, Baraq o Bamah the completion of waiting to Try and destroy the manchild getting from his house to God's house to take that inheritance.
Satan and his Angels will then be thrown down and incarnated on the earth, in Human Soulless clones.

The Feast of Tabernacles / Tents / Sukkot happening on the 6th October until the 13th October.

In that Feast of Tabernacles the Inheritance event happening just like Enoch 60 suggests, that same the number of Angels were surrounding him sitting on the throne.

 I also have always believed, that this event would happen on the Sabbath Lord's day. Even keeping watch, listening up, every Sabbath Day from Friday sundown until Saturday sundown and refusing to work that day, especially since God rebuked me of forsaking the Sabbath Day for a well needed Job.

Just as the Book of Revelation was given to John on the Sabbath Day with a voice of a Trumpet Shofar (Rev 1) i believe the Inheritance event (Rev 4>) will be given to us as the angel who has a voice of a Shofar.

Also the are Two things which must happen before that inheritance event can happen.

1. Satan and his angels have to be moved out of the way so the manchild can make it to the throne, as discussed just recently.

2. The Jews (The women on the earth) has to say
"Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord",
which will bring forward the manchild to God's throne.

I have always had a belief that this Fulfilment of Jesus promise to the Jews for his return would actually happen on the Temple mount where he made the promise.
He stood inside the City walls, in the City, Jerusalem on the Temple mount and said this promise.

At the moment the Jews are still not allowed on the Temple mount.

I believe that this War Window of Venus in Leo (Sept 9th - Oct 9th) will be the event that triggers them to go up to the temple mount to say Matt 23:29 on (Oct 11th).
This is my point i was trying to make in this post.

Only after the Inheritance event has happened (Rev 5) can the Sevens Seals events happen (Rev 6), starting with the Antichrist King William V being crowned King.

Hope you have enjoyed this Article.

Please pray to God for forgiveness of your sins in Jesus mighty name and Blood and be Born Again.

Ask the Holy spirit to come into you and show you all the things which i have shown you here.

Please share this Article with Family, Friends and Socials, for the time is short (48 weeks)

God Bless you all, in Jesus mighty name,

~ Mosiah

Thursday, 30 January 2025

HAPPY NEW MONTH, "Shevat" the 11th Month of the Year.

The 11th Month of the Year.

Rescuers race to pull out truck driver stuck in Japan sinkhole for days

Rescue workers in Japan are trying to pull out a truck driver from a sinkhole that appeared on Tuesday and has since widened.

The sinkhole appeared in Yashio city in Saitama prefecture, near the capital Tokyo, swallowing a truck.

Rescue efforts have been hampered by road collapses, and officials have ordered scores of households in the area to evacuate their homes.

The 74-year-old driver was last heard responding to rescuers on Tuesday afternoon, according to local media.

While emergency crews managed to remove the truck bed from the pool-sized sinkhole, the driver's cabin remains buried under soil and debris.

The hole measuring about 10m (33ft) wide and 5m deep first appeared on Tuesday morning at a road junction.


Tuesday, 28 January 2025

Cars swallowed by Sinkhole / Landslide in South Sihelds.

A sinkhole has appeared on a street, causing damage to several vehicles.

A portion of Broughton Road in South Shields collapsed before 05:30 GMT, Northumbria Police said.

Emergency services were called to the scene. No-one was reported to have been injured.

South Tyneside Council said it was a "localised incident" and there had been some disruption to power and water supplies.

The street has been closed to vehicles and pedestrians.

Earlier, police said homes had been evacuated as a precaution but the council later said nobody had been moved.

Northumbrian Water said one of its water mains had been damaged and customers in a nearby care home may be experiencing no water.

The water supplier said it had delivered bottled water and was working to restore supplies.


Saturday, 25 January 2025

"SATURN loses its RINGS" in March. "SATAN loses his WINGS" Future Event.


Just a little disclaimer, that I AM not saying these two events are the same thing, but rather give you two factual events.

"Saturn Loses its Rings"

First, the planet Saturn, which has a ring around it will go through a once every roughly 15 year event. The tilt of Saturn's Axis will be in such a way that the Ring of Saturn will actually not be visible.

The last time this happened was 14/9/2009 (I was not born again until 2013)
and the next time it will happen again is April 1st 2039, but the Tribulation and this mortal Humanity will be over by Jan 2033.

"Satan Loses his Wings"

The next biblical event we are waiting on now is the inheritance event in which my timeline shows as happening on the Feast of Tabernacles 2025.

It will be Jesus 8th Birthday since the Revelation Second coming birth signs was fulfilled in Rosh Hashanah 2017.

Enoch 60 declares this Inheritance event of Revelation 5 and continuation of Revelation 12, to happen on the 14th Day of the Seventh month (Tishrei) which is the Feast of Tabernacles.

There are some events that Must happen just before the Manchild Jesus Christ can make it to the Throne of God, Nibiru to take his Inheritance which is the ownership of the Earth, in the form of the Seven Seals.

First is the women on the earth, Israel must say
"Blessed is he that comes in the name of the Lord".
Jesus said we would not see him again until Israel shall say this.
Jesus said this to Israel while standing on the Temple mount, in the city, Jerusalem, inside the City walls.

 Also just before the inheritance event of Jesus getting from his house (Revelation 1-3) to God's house (Revelation 4+5>)and throne happens, Satan has to be moved out of the way.

The Dragon stands before the women to devour the manchild as soon as he is born.

Jesus is in a house / manger in the heavens, no-one can find him, like the first coming, even Satan can't get at him.
Jesus has been in that manger in the heavens for nearly 8 years since the birth sign was complete in 2017.

Protected, from satan, even not found by the heavenly host.

Common sense says Satan must be taken out the way for the man child to have safe passage to the throne at the inheritance Event.

So to comes the war in Heaven when Michael and his Angels go to war with Satan and his Angels, and they loose and Satan and His Angels are thrown down to the earth.

I will admit my perception that all these events would take place in and around the Fall Feast time.

Here is a fact though,
there is nothing stopping Satan and his Angels being thrown down to earth earlier than when the inheritance event happens.

The Fact is Satan has to be moved out the way first.

This sign has made me see that satan and his angels being moved out the way could happen before the inheritance event but certainly not after.

But again this is not me saying that Satan and his angels will be cast down in March of this year because f this Sign  of Saturn, but it's not impossible for it too happen between March and Fall Feasts. 

I would need strong evidence that this event has happened though for me to preach that Satan and his Angels have been thrown down.

When Satan is stuck on the earth as "Baraq o Bamah" he will persecute Israel the women, but he will also "come out of hiding" so to speak and be back on the scene. He will be possessed with Satan for the rest of the end of the age. He shall then move to start preparing to make King William V the Antichrist, King of the world and worshipped as God.

I believe Baraq o Bamah will be back as maybe chairman of the United Nations, since they are the world government
He can never be head of EU as he is not legally European, and he won't be back to America.

Baraq o Bamah  will not be captain of the ship (America) that goes down.
Yes America will be consumed by war and the the trumpets and this will even begin in the seven seals
they have allocated Trump as the Fall Guy, to be Captain of the ship when it goes down.

If Baraq came back on the scene full strength, after March, i would consider this sign in the Heavens of Saturn loses its Rings as a Sign of the war in heaven taking place, and that Satan and his Angels have lost their Wings.

Then the Tribulation and Seven Seals can begin.

Thanks for watching. 
God Bless you all in Jesus mighty name.

~ Mosiah

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