Thursday, 21 March 2019

Jupiter the "King" Planet in "Golden Gate" Constellation. Mar 9th - May 13th

Between March 9th and May 13th Jupiter or more commonly known as "King" Planet will make a loop around in the Ophiuchus constellation. 

Ophiuchus was known to early Christians as the 13th Constellation, the centre of the Universe . It was also known as "Golden Gate of Heaven"

Last Year my star Vesta made a loop around the Golden gate from 21st of July to the 21st of August. During that time i was filled with the spirit and smashed out most of, if not all the End of the Age Prophecy Explanation Video that i had left to do. At the time though because of personal reason i had total forgot about the observation i had made. It wasn't until this year i looked back and realised that Vesta passing through the Golden Gate had a direct impact on my spirit. This is shocking, so don't think the things up there are meaningless.

Jupiter the King planet also was a symbol of Jesus Christ (The man child that will rule the world with a rod of Iron). Jupiter the King came into the Virgin in the heavens on December 2016. Symbolising Impregnating the Virgin. Then 9 months later on Rosh Hashanah the Revelation 12 sign in the Heavens was completed, with Jupiter still in Virgin.

What this may or may not mean? I wouldn't guess? But i certainly will be keeping watch for any fulfilment of Prophecy concerning the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. 

Disruptions have already started in Israel with many things happening on the temple mount, in the Government, air strikes etc, and these have all come in the first two weeks of this (since march 9th)

Keep watch, God Bless you all, Amen.

Jul-Aug 2018. AMAZED My Star "Vesta" in "Golden Gate", Spirit to Blitz Ministry teaching Videos

Amazed How My Star Vesta looping through the Golden Gate constellation caused a Holy Spirit in me, so great to complete a great bulk of End of the Age Video tuition that had not yet been completed. 

The Reason i call it My star "Vesta" is because in June 2014 i noticed these Two stars travelling together and lopping around the Holy Virgin in the Heavens "Virgo". One was called "Vesta" the other called "Ceres". These Two stars would be birthed from the Virgin just like in the Revelation 12 sign

But i was about to be amazed even further because as the first star Vesta sped up he passed out or birthed from the Virgin on the very date i was born, August 11th. The next star Ceres came through and was birthed from the Virgin on 19th August. I was truly stunned by this as a revealed to my Parent, i can remember trembling when i showed my mother. 

In 2018 though i spotted the star again by accident, (or guidance from the Holy spirit) and it was flying in the opposite way to the first. I followed the orbit of My star "Vesta" and watched it make a loop around and turn back and head the opposite direction. 

The Loop the star made was inside the Constellation Ophiuchus. This constellation not known to this generation but the early church recognised this as the 13th Constellation and it also has the nickname "Golden Gate of Heaven". This could be because Ophiuchus is also the centre of the Galaxy of stars. 

The star would come in and hit the Constellation line around July 21st. It would then loop round, changing direction and then exit the same constellation line on the 21st August 2018. This would be a perfect 1 month in the Golden Gate of Heaven..

I had forgot about the star when July came. 

During this time i had some issues, and found myself forced out of my home. My only option was to sleep on my Dads sofa. But during this time i rose early from bed and would make Videos concerning the End of the Age Bible Prophecy aspect i had not yet taught. I was really in the spirit during that time, and i was publishing posts every other day or so. 
From approximately 24th July to 16th August i was totally in the spirit and Smashing out the Videos of profound revelation. 17 very Important Video, for the time of Tribulation that is yet to come..

Only now in 2019 did i look back and notice that "My Star Vesta" had a direct effect on me spiritually during the time Vesta was passing through the Golden Gate in Heaven. 
One thing, surely Vesta really has a connection to me. Another thing is that the constellation Ophiuchus, really has so meaning in all this and these things should not be overlooked as meaningless.. Its like God is writing it in Heaven as it happens on Earth..
So amazing...!

But theres more.. Jupiter (The King) planet is also making a loop through the Golden Gate contellation. He entered nearly 2 weeks ago, but loop will take a little longer. 

I will cover that in my next post..

Please share this Video and i would love to hear your opinion. Any doubts please look through my Videos and you will see the dates of the ones i was preaching in. U can also see the Videos about the star Vesta..

God Bless you all.
Love Pastor Justin Roberts..

Monday, 18 March 2019

Jerusalem Western Wall LIVE CAM... Down for days Now.. Really? All happening in Israel

Strangely in Coincidence to all the things happening in Israel right now, the LIVE CAM that looks at the Western Wall has been off for a number of days now.

I have contacted the CAM provider, and they have responded that the camera is not solely down to them so they dont know why it is down or when it will be on and LIVE again..

Hope all is well in Israel with all these things happening in Israel, Government, Benjamin Netanyahu, Gaza, Hamas, Israeli solider killing, Temple bans, Jordan disputes..
All eyes on Israel right now saints..  

God Bless you all.

Jerusalem Western Wall LIVE CAM... Down for days Now.. Really? All happening in Israel

Strangely in Coincidence to all the things happening in Israel right now, the LIVE CAM that looks at the Western Wall has been off for a number of days now.

I have contacted the CAM provider, and they have responded that the camera is not solely down to them so they dont know why it is down or when it will be on and LIVE again..

Hope all is well in Israel with all these things happening in Israel, Government, Benjamin Netanyahu, Gaza, Hamas, Israeli solider killing, Temple bans, Jordan disputes..
All eyes on Israel right now saints..  

God Bless you all.

A big batch of B-52 bombers is flying into Europe amid heightened tensions with Russia

  • A large Bomber Task Force reportedly consisting of up to six B-52 Stratofortress heavy long-range bombers are flying into Europe this week.
  • The rotation, which comes at a time of heightened tension with Russia, is focused on interoperability training, but there is a deterrent element as well.
  • This week, B-52 bombers also flew over the disputed South China Sea, where the US and China have repeatedly found themselves at odds.
US Air Force B-52 Stratofortress heavy long-range bombers are flying into Europe this week, US Air Forces Europe - Africa announcedThursday, at a time Russia is leveling threats against the US as a Cold War-era missiles ban collapses.
A Bomber Task Force consisting of bombers from the 2nd Bomb Wing out of Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana are deploying to the US European Command area of operations.
While USAFE, citing operational security concerns, would not provide the number of bombers heading into this theater, reports that up to six B-52 bombers will arrive in the United Kingdom before the weekend. An unnamed source told the outlet that this marks the largest deployment of a bomber platform to the Europe since 2003, when EUCOM had 20 bombers at Royal Air Force Fairford station during Operation Iraqi Freedom.

Read more  - CLICK HERE

Joint Warrior: 10,000 Troops From 13 Countries Arrive In UK for Major Exercise

Joint Warrior: 10,000 Troops From 13 Countries Arrive In UK for Major Exercise