Why God Allowed Satan to Contend with me in august 2020.
I know God likes to leave things until last minute and Satan has had 8 year to attack me.
Why did God allow Satan to attack me at Home in August 2020 ?
as all things are in Gods power, read the First Two Chapters of The Book of Job to understand that.
Is it because that would be my last August as such?
Or Maybe my last August at Home?
Maybe the End of the Age Events beginning?
- I made a covenant with God to go out at the Seal One when the Antichrist is crowned King in London and sits on the Throne of King David.
I made a Covenant to go around the UK prophesying as a last chance ministry before the Throne of God hits earth at the Sixth Seal, Extinction level event.
- I also had in my heart to go to India and Pakistan to Prophecy there.
That would take a Good month im sure.
I believe i may not be at Home this August. Either I am away on the India Pakistan mission, or on the final revival round the UK, or the Throne has already past.
SATAN WEPT and asked "Prayer that i will not go to the Lake of Fire"
On the last few days of my Incredible encounter with the Angel Satan he transformed into the Red Dragon. Usually he would speak as like a Slim Shady voice.
He did not like me telling anyone else about his presence.
I was messaging one of my friends in Facebook and he seen it, that is when he transformed into a different being, noticeably by his change in voice.
There was also this weird music / sounds playing at the same time.
Kind of sounded alot like this
He threatened to send round a lunatic from my road to kill me and My Mother. At that time he done another Illusion of a man shouting from outside my front gate saying
"I can see both of you in the F***ing House, Get outside now and ile F***ing Kill the both of you"
At this same time as he was as the Red Dragon we talking about different things then he mentions the Lake of Fire, and i told him how he was going to be cast in there.
After Armageddonyou will be cast in the bottomless pit for the thousand year reign of Jesus Christ on the earth.
Satan is cast in the Bottomless pit for 1000 Years. then after thrown into the Lake of Fire.
Then after the 1000 Years you will be cast into the Lake of Fire.
Revelation 20:7-10
And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison,
And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog, and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea.
And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city: and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them.
And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and nightfor ever and ever.
He then sounded upset as if he was weeping like a baby.. saying
"Ile pray and ile pray and pray that i dont go to the Lake of Fire"
he even asked me to Prayer for him, but i didnt i said as it is written in the Book it will be done.
ARMY of Celebrity (HUMAN) "CLONES", SATAN & his ANGELS cast Down into.
Another thing he didnt like was when i told him that him and his Angels will be cast down to Earth and loose their wings.
Interestingly enough it was as if this was all new to him. As if he does not know that he is going to the lake of fire.
This was one of the last powerful interactions i had. Idid not die on Friday like he said i would.
And i learnt from this that even with him in my presence he, or one of his servants did not have no power to bring any harm against me.
God would of allowedhim into my presence to strike fear into me, but no harm was allowed on me.
This is also like when Jesuscontended with the Devil after Fasting 40 days in the wilderness, Jesus would understand the experience i had but i think no-one on Earth would truly understand or believe what happened to me.
Thank you for taking the time to read this Article, Please share this with Family, Friends and Social Media, God Bless you all, Amen.
The False lords daycreated by Rome in the third century after Jesus Christ.
He answered me
"I Didnt create sunday worship but Adopted it"
Now Satan lied about probably everything he said. All his threats never came to pass. My life was not taken away in Two days so the angels could take over the earth. I did not die on Friday as he planned for me, nothing.
Now i know from revelation that Satans seated place was in the Roman Empire.
When Antipas my faithful martyr was killed amoung u were satan dwells.
The place he was killed in Turkey was under the control of the Roman Empire. That was spoke of in Revelation around 90 AD.
Revelation 2:13
I know thy works, and where thou dwellest, even where Satan's seat is: and thou holdest fast my name, and hast not denied my faith, even in those days wherein Antipas was my faithful martyr, who was slain among you, where Satan dwelleth.
Satan and the Roman Empire didnt create a False Lords day in Sunday until a Few hundred years after the bible was finished.
So i know Satan created it as his seat was in the Roman Empire (Scarlet Beast) and still is way before the Fake Sunday was created.
But if satan says he adopted it??? could he be telling the truth? certainly not... but i realise satan didnt need to adopt sunday sinning because the Babylonian empireadopted it for him and put in place 1500 years ago to this day...
so really me asking the questions
"did u create sunday worship"?
his answer in truth is
"I created it, didnt adopt it (because the roman empire adopted for him)"
My Encounter with Satan in August 2020. He came to take my life because I AM a threat to his Kingdom and New World Order CLICK HERE to View ARTICLE
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But after the King of theNorthrises from the dead (Revelation 13), he shall go onto the land of the King of the South and place himself in the Temple of God claiming to be God.
DOUBLE MEANING to Antichrist "Sitting in the TEMPLE of GOD showing himself to be god"
and demand that all people of Jewish Israelshall follow the ways of Rome and the North, and that all people should keep sunday and Not Saturday as the Lords day.
TRUE Judeo Christianity vs Fake Babylonian Christianity
And the King of the North will demand everyone including the people of Israel, to worship the King of the North, the Antichrist on sunday... and shall set up an Image of the Antichrist, that can also speak, into everysunday church in the world. and anyone that wont worship an Image of the Antichrist should be killed.
The persecution of the Jews and Israel shall only continue for 42 months. The Antichrist King William Vonly has 42 months to Exhalt himself to be worshipped as God.
And when the Two Witnesseshave finished their 3.5 yearsProphecy like unto Moses and Elijah. Also, the 144,000 Saints who are the descendants of Israel shall ascend upto the One True Gods Throne Nibiru, and be with Him forever. And the Seventh Angel will sound and Dead in Christ shall rise First and them that are still Alive shall also ascend to Gods throne.
At the Battle at Armageddon, The Antichrist King William V & The False Prophet Last Pope, shall be destroyed and cast into the Lake of Fire. And the Armies of the Anchrist and them that follow the ways of Rome shall be killed with the sword that comes from the mouth of the King Jesus Christ on his return to Earth.
And the Two Witnesses like unto Moses and Elijah and the 144,000 Saints... and all them"Keep the Commandments of God and have the Testimony of Jesus Christ" shall reign with Christ for 1000 Years
JESUS rules the World ONE THOUSAND Years, 7TH Millennium
Thank you for taking the time to read the article. Please share this article with social media, family and friends while we still have time. God Bless you all, Amen.