Thursday 27 June 2024

Huge sinkhole '100ft deep' opens up in middle of Illinois football pitch

A sinkhole said to be up to 100ft deep and just as wide opened up in the middle of a field of football pitches in the US, swallowing a huge light pole.

The collapse, in the centre of Gordon Moore Park in Alton, Illinois, happened above a limestone mine on Wednesday morning, according to local reports.

No injuries have been reported and all sports and events have been cancelled for a second day, Alton City Hall said in a post on Facebook, while investigations continue.

read more at source -

Wednesday 26 June 2024

King William V - False Messiah pt 29. The 40 Year Old+ TALMUDIC Messiah , Summer Solstice.


Since its Summer Solstice time of the Year i decided to put this specific Video and Article of Prophecy out there. 

As Benjamin Creme announced to the world in May 1982 that
"The Messiah is now here"
As the Ancient witches said "their sun-god" would be born on the Summer Solstice.
Prince William was born on June 21st 1982 on the Summer Solstice, as he should be.

The Antichrist being such a counterfeit of Jesus Christ that they cloned Jesus's blood DNA and made for themselves a cloned Beast.

All through his 30's i was watching him like a hawk, me also in my 30's as I AM 2 years younger than him.

Realising that the the Antichrist can not fulfill the old prophecies of what the Messiah will be.

In 2022, Prince William turned 40 Years Old while the Queen had 70 years on the throne. I knew this to be a special year and both numbers are biblical numbers.

Then the Queen passed away later that year.

Here is the thing i realised in making this Video is that this Talmudic False Messiah could not of come until the year 2022 when William has turn 40 years old.

These in the Illuminati and Satan would would have known this im sure.

But now he has turned 40 in the last 2 years then he can fulfill the prophecy of the Satanic Talmud book which says the:

"The Resurrection (False resurrection of the antichrist) will happen Forty years after the Advent (Arrival) of the Messiah"

 So by this scripture we know that this Talmudic False Messiah will be at least 40 years old.

I wish i knew this ten years ago, but i guess God liked to keep me on my toes and wow, even when writing this God has revealed to me the talmudic 40 year old false messiah only when he turned 40. wow.

God Bless you all, and get ready for the next 1.5 years.

Get saved by asking forgiveness' of your sins in Jesus mighty name and blood be washed of your sins and go your way and sin no more.

Be caught up to the Throne when he passes:

To you my 144,000 saints of the bloodline of Jacob and testify to Jesus, get your exodus bags ready.
prepare to flee into the mountains just before God hits the earth in his Throne Nibiru at the 6th-7th Seal.
T minus 79 weeks.

Please share this with your Friends and Family and Social Medias.

God Bless you all,



Monday 24 June 2024

President Donald Trump. The "Fall Guy" for War Outbreak (Seal 2) Market Collapse (Seal 3) And US...

The First event to come up in my Timeline is that Donald Trump as President at the end of 2024.

Interesting as the Simpsons "prediction" said that he would be president during a Financial collapse.

Money Market Collapse is one of the Seven Seals.
Seal Three Money market collapse.

Also Seal Two is War Outbreak from Israel.

Also Seal Four is the invasion of North America.

 Looking at My Timeline we see that first event we have is President Trump, then the start of the Triple Blood Moons, first of thembeing March.

My Star Vesta in Virgo, may indicate something between me and Israel.

Then the Second of the Blood Moons and the last World War 1 Identical signs, on September 7th 2025. 
One month before the Feast of Trumpets and Tabernacles happens.

The Inheritance event (Revelation 5 & 12) could happen on the Feast of Tabernacles as Enoch 60 declares, after Jesus Christ turns 8 (Completion) years old from Birth Sign in Rosh Hashanah 2017.

I AM expecting the Seven Seals to begin at the end of 2025 around the end of November.
Through 40 days to Tevet 14th (Jan 3rd 2026) being the passing of the God's Throne, Nibiru (Seal 6).

I don't know what sort of president he will be the second time around. Some have compared him to King Jehu, who did a U Turn on the heathen Kings of Israel, but i have not seen any evidence of him reversing their evils, like homosexuality and Abortions and the Roman church and all her way.

If he was to go to war on the heathen Pagan then he would have to go to war on the Roman Sunday churches.

Not long to go to find out.

Please share this article with your Family and Friends and Social Medias.

Sunday 23 June 2024

My Star "VESTA" in Sagittarius ME Vs Antichrist. 3.5 Years Great Tribulation. False Resurrection.

Another sign in the heavens for the beginning of 2029.

I might of mentioned it before the past but i will mention it again.

My Star "Vesta" makes a loop in Sagittarius.

Sagittarius is an image of the Antichrist

The Antichrist being crowned as King in the Winter time when the Sun is in Sagittarius.?

My Star Vesta making a loop in Sagittarius points to something happening around then between me and the antichrist between Feb and Aug in 2029.

This is also the time that the Apophis asteroid is making a dangerously close approach to the earth.
Closer than anything has in human history they are saying.

I believe this is  when they will do their False Resurrection of the False Christ just slightly before he starts his 3.5 year rule of the world from Israel, to be worshipped as God.!

There is also the King Planet Jupiter making a loop around in Virgo which represents Israel.

This warning is the time that Israel will accept Jesus Christ as their King and Messiah or they shall accept the Antichrist as their Messiah.

the ones who do not believe in the False Mashiach shall also flee into the wilderness..

Also Vesta and Ceres, the Stars of the Two Witnesses come together in December 2029.
This equals their 3.5 Year mission should begin in June 2029.

with the Middle of the Triple Blood moon.

So all this together is painting a very incredible picture of 2029 indeed.

HISTORY OF Me and Vesta

2014 - Vesta birth from the virgin virgo.. on my birthday. 11th August my Birthday. Ceres born on 19th August, Jason's Birthday.

2018 - i see my star Vesta returning in August 2018 for a loop in golden gate constellation Ophiuchus

2018 - end of july- sept im homeless, but smash ministry out as vesta loops in golden gate. I prepare my Exodus kit.

2022 - Vesta makes loop round Aquarius, its peak around July time. Trouble with Crown. Loose Driving license.

2022 - Vesta makes other loop in Capricornus, on the Day of the Feast of Tabernacles, October 8th.
This is the Last Day i spoke to a women called StephEnie from US who i fell in Love with.

So I can see personally How this star has effecting my life events as i look back. 

So thanks for watching,
Take from this what you like.

God Bless you all,
In Jesus mighty name,


~ Mosiah

Saturday 22 June 2024

Filipino soldiers fight off 'armed' Chinese coastguard with 'bare hands' in disputed South China Sea

Footage released by the Philippine military appeared to show the chaotic face off at the Second Thomas Shoal, with Chinese personnel brandishing machetes, axes and sticks while surrounding two Philippine navy supply boats.

Filipino soldiers used their "bare hands" to fight off armed Chinese coastguard in the disputed South China Sea, a Philippine military chief has said.

General Romeo Brawner Jr, head of the Philippine armed forces, accused Chinese personnel of boarding more than eight motorboats and repeatedly ramming, then boarding, two inflatable vessels on Monday.

read more at source -

80 Weeks until Wales be ripped from Britain give back to the People.


Its coming where God shall give the country of Wales back to the people and divided it from the British Empire.

Friday 21 June 2024

Sivan 14th Full Moon. 4 months until Summer Harvest finish.


Sivan 14th Full Moon. 
4 months until Summer Harvest finish.
weather has started heating up finally in the UK only today.
Tomatoes that were put out too early are starting to show signs of growing.
I sowed and planted out some other things into the garden 3 days prior to the full moon, when the electro magnetics will be increasing.
I did not plant out any of the small Cucumber plants though.

Thursday 20 June 2024

Louisiana becomes first US state to make Ten Commandments mandatory in school classrooms


Louisiana has become the first state in the US to require the Ten Commandments to be displayed in every public school classroom.

Republican Governor Jeff Landry signed the law into legislation on Wednesday requiring a poster-sized display of the religious directives in "large, easily, readable font" in all classrooms, from kindergarten (nursery) to state-funded universities.

"If you want to respect the rule of law, you've got to start from the original lawgiver - which was Moses," Governor Landry said.

Wednesday 19 June 2024

1290 days past.. False Prophets stop Vaccine is the mark of the beast or Abomination of Desolation.


False Prophets can stop saying the Covid Vaccine is the mark of the beast and/or the Abomination that makes Desolation.

As we have passed 1290 days of the first Vaccine was given (Not ordered by the False Prophet Last Pope).
The Truth is its exactly 5 years from now when all these three things will be in June 2029 the beginning of the last 3.5 years Great Tribulation of the Antichrist King rule over the world from Jerusalem Temple claiming to be God.

For the Abomination of Desolation to happen they need to take away the Burnt offering from the The Temple Institute that has not happen yet, but in October 2026 the #TempleMount in #Jerusalem will change hands.

Jesus returns at the 1335 days at Armageddon to rule the world. U think Jesus is ready to rule the world from Israel in 45 days from now.
This is ludicrous how people take one piece of prophecy and have got it so wrong.
The RFID Chip Implant will begin after June 2029 according to my word.
see up to date timeframe.

For the mark of the Beast to be implanted the Antichrist King William V (not king yet seal one) has to rise from the dead, and then claim to be God. That happened and u didnt notice?
Bible says the whole world will notice and worship because of this great magic trick.

Even the Dirty Temple in Gods eyes has not started yet.
King of Jordan has controlled it for many decades now. but in October 2026 that will all change and the temple mount will be unclean in Gods eyes for 6 years and 3.5 months.

Tuesday 18 June 2024


There is a sign in the heavens in 2029 that confirms this is the time that the King of Israel shall be.
Jupiter returning Virgo. 
Jupiter represents the King, Virgo represents Israel in Biblical Prophetic Astronomy.

In 2017 Revelation Birth (Second coming) sign in the heavens.
Jupiter represented Jesus Christ the manchild that shall rules the world with a rod of Iron.

Jupiter coming into the Virgin, Virgo, 9 months earlier marked the Impregnation time of the birth sign.

Jupiter is now returning to Virgo for the year 2029.
I used to speculate that this could be the return of Jesus to the Earth to rule it for 1000 years.

but as times gone and i have learnt much more over the last 3.5 years like Tevet 14th, Two Witnesses crucified at christ-mass, and when Nuclear World War 3 will be.

This will the turning point though, where Israel has to accept Jesus Christ as their messiah, or they will cut Jesus off from his inheritance and accept the false one as their Mashiach.

Daniel 9:26
And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself:

Jupiter will starts its loop in Virgo around Feb 8th. Then the other part of the loop in June 14th.

This will be the time that the New World order will be moving to make King William V (King of the North) ruler, King, God from Jerusalem, and the Temple of God, to be worshipped as God.

We spoke previously about 2029 being the year that the King Antichrist will rule the world from Israel in the Middle of that year.

How this Triple blood moon sign (Two of which are Tevet 14th) is identical to 1917, when the family of the Antichrist created Israel from nothing.
The Balfour declaration from the British, declared the Jews have a place to call home in Palestine

Apophis also coming down in 2029 Friday 13th, April.
I believe this to be the Easter that the Romans may do the False Resurrection of the Antichrist.

This False Resurrection has to happen before the Antichrist King William V starts to rule the world for 42 months (3.5 years) from Jerusalem, Israel

So you can see the very interesting picture appearing in 2029, especially towards the beginning of the year.

I also have another sign in the heavens to speak about and add to this timeline. I have spoke about in the past i believe but ile speak about it again.
It concerns the Antichrist, and My Star "Vesta"

Catch you on the next one.

Please share this post with Friends, Family and your Social Media.

God Bless you all,
In Jesus mighty name,

~ Mosiah